Neighbors Looking Out: Belgian Block Removals, the Coming Digging Machine and Parking Inside the Park

Thanks to neighbors Jeffrey and Tessa here are photos removing the Belgian Blocks. The MTA Contractor Cruz promises these will return after the dig. Parks Department workers also say there are plenty of these stored for Park use.



and information on the coming dig on Forsyth Street.



And complaints about Park vehicles taking up space in the water sprinkler area of the Stanton Parkhouse area of the park since it was fenced off to keep drug dealing and use for storage by homeless or in shelter New Yorkers.

Apparently they have been removed along with the fencing.

Read MoreNeighbors Looking Out: Belgian Block Removals, the Coming Digging Machine and Parking Inside the Park
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Educational Alliance now Open for Enrollment: “Project Contact Outpatient Program”

From the Educational Alliance:

“Dear Community Members,
We would like to inform you that the Project Contact Outpatient Program is open for enrollment. Please see the flyer below for additional program and referral information.
The CRW Admissions Team”
Read MoreEducational Alliance now Open for Enrollment: “Project Contact Outpatient Program”
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American Kestrel Hunting Nearby Sara Roosevelt Park

An American Kestral was caught on camera by Colleen Corkery neighbor and M’Finda Kalunga volunteer.

Katie Leung from the WildLife Unit of the Parks Department ”

“…these feature an American kestrel. I think you’re also lucky to see a kestrel with its meal in talon!”


Colleen wrote, ”

Here are pics…when it was on the lookout..with its catch and snack: a finch!”

Thank you to Bud Shalala MK Garden’s Critter Committee founder for letting us know about the photos!


Read MoreAmerican Kestrel Hunting Nearby Sara Roosevelt Park
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Pratt Stanton ParkHouse Reimagined As Community Gathering & Environmental Hub

From the Stanton Task Force:

Students from the Interior Design program at Pratt Institute offered their fresh thinking and design skills to our community vision for the Stanton Building in SDR Park.

Brief presentations by these Fall 2020 students of their designs for the Stanton Building were followed by a dialogue with community members. For more detailed views of their work: Stanton Task Force Facebook Page:



To Stanton Street Pratt Students: We thank you for showing up in this time of hardships around the world. Our neighborhood, our representatives, Pratt professor Keena Suh and all of you in her classes continue to show us what it means to be a community that is not bounded by self-interest or ‘ownership’ or state or country but bound together with shared work and caring and our future.


“What matters is the countless small deeds of unknown people who lay the basis for the significant events that enter history. They’re the ones who have done things in the past they’re the ones who will have to do it in the future.” Howard Zinn

We live on Lanape land and give our thanks.


‘If you’ve come here to help me, you’re wasting your time. But if you have come here because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.’ -Lilla Watson, Australian Aboriginal Elder

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Community Stewardship, Caring for Parks

Parks needs volunteers like never before. And they need a budget to ensure a steady effort to keep parks, clean, functional, bird and plant habitats and safe – integrating model climate mitigation efforts, recreation, play, quiet contemplation, walks, sports, gardening, community gathering, bird watching, habitat restoration, and more.

“Even as pandemic-induced restrictions have lifted, neighborhood parks have allowed life to unfold in ways that still aren’t feasible in cramped apartments. They’ve always served as communal backyards, but now they’re the best gym in town, host get-togethers that would’ve happened in bars and reception halls, and serve as a respite for those working from home or the unemployed. …”

New Yorkers Step in to Keep City Parks From Turning Into ‘Junkyards’


“Because of the pandemic, the parks system cut $84 million from its budget, which paid for 1,700 seasonal workers that typically care for our parks each summer…”

“…the budget cuts have forced a maintenance hierarchy for city parks, with playgrounds and barbecue spots at the top…Up to 500 Parks Department sites might go an entire week without a visit from a parks worker, making volunteers the last line of defense for spaces like Pelham Parkway.”

“…But without city funds, our parks could permanently deteriorate at a time when they’ve proved essential. “Volunteers don’t replace staff — they just don’t,” said Heather Lubov, executive director of the City Parks Foundation.”

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Invitation from the WildLife Unit of NYC Parks to Join 2021 Raptor Nest Monitoring

From the Wildlife Unit of NYC Parks:

“…the next season of raptor nest monitoring and scouting is almost here. If you would like to join us for the 2021 season, please let us know with a reply and r


eturn the attached waiver signed, either scanned or photographed. 

As a note, great-horned owls and bald eagles may currently be in their courting phase. Keep an eye out for them until we provide you with further details, including the online training webinar.” 



We look forward to hearing back from you.


Katie Leung (she/her)

Associate Wildlife Biologist®

Field Technician

C 646.832.6534


NYC Parks

Wildlife Unit

1234 Fifth Avenue, 5th Floor

New York, NY 10029

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Thank you to the Fox – Tsang Family for Snow and Ice Removal!

Thank you Joseph and Davis Fox for removing ice and snow on the paths in the M’Finda Garden!

And for moving donated supplies to weather proof areas.

And thank you to the Boy Scouts and Scoutmaster Troop 150 for advocating for young people to help out.

It will make getting to through the garden for our year round gardeners far safer!


Joseph Fox-Tsang with Bob and K in warmer times
Read MoreThank you to the Fox – Tsang Family for Snow and Ice Removal!
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