The Horticultural Society, NYC Parks and Volunteers Plant/Clean Up in SDR Park’s Hester/Grand Gardens


EARTH DAY 2021!!

Thank you to Pamela Ito of “The Hort” and NYC Parks Department‘s Johnathan Young and to Neighborhood Volunteers. 

Last Saturday we worked in SDR park from Grand – Hester along Forsyth.  Hort Staff and local Volunteers weeded, fertilized (with kelp meal) planted and  mulched.  Dozens of heuchera and astilbe perennials were planted for color and texture. 

Our horticulture crew is expected back in a few weeks to plant more.” – Pam Ito

Funding made possible by the New York City Council and a generous allocation by Councilwoman Margaret Chin District 1.  


And please note the amount of garbage picked up!!

Read MoreThe Horticultural Society, NYC Parks and Volunteers Plant/Clean Up in SDR Park’s Hester/Grand Gardens
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NYTs “N.Y.C. Bans Pesticides in Parks With Push From [likely] Force: Children”

Haywood, one of Sara Roosevelt Park’s Gardeners (retired)

A step in the right direction… Protects children and all park users equitably, and the park workers and volunteers who help with upkeep.

From NYT article

“Paula Rogovin has a rule for teaching small children: Whenever you expose them to upsetting problems, remind them that they can look for solutions. So they decided on a goal: to ban pesticides in the city’s parks, playgrounds and open spaces.”

From the NYT “City agencies’ use of glyphosate, the main ingredient in the weed killer Roundup, has dropped since 2014, when Mr. Kallos first introduced a version of the bill. Since then, it has been ruled a carcinogen and Roundup’s manufacturer, Monsanto, later acquired by Bayer, has been ordered to pay $158 million, in separate lawsuits, to two California cancer patients, a school groundskeeper and a gardener, who were sickened by it.

Agencies can seek waivers to use toxins in specific cases, but input is required from the local community board, council member and borough president. Exceptions will include areas on median strips, where using organic products, which require more frequent applications, would more often expose workers to danger from vehicles.”

[What about exposure to toxic chemicals to workers?]

More information from “Beyond Pesticideshere.



Read MoreNYTs “N.Y.C. Bans Pesticides in Parks With Push From [likely] Force: Children”
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Center for Urban Culture‘s introduction to Stretching New York City’s Capital Dollars

Key Findings

  • Reforms to New York’s capital process could save the city at least $800 million over five years, according to our analysis of estimated cost overruns tied to major problem areas plaguing the capital project design and construction process for public buildings.
  • That $800 million in savings could be used to pay for 150 full-time parks maintenance workers for the next decade..
  • The report’s analysis of reforms enacted by DDC beginning in January 2019 finds notable improvements in front-end planningproject managementpaymentavoiding change orders, and pre-qualifying contractors. As a result, the average project duration decreased from 96 months to 90 months as of June 2020—a promising achievement in a year and a half.
  • 5 ongoing challenges continue (below)
  • …the state- requirement to award contracts to the lowest bidder can delay the average project by at least 6 to 9 months and adds at least 20% or $1 million to the original bill due to poor performance and delays..the low-bid requirement annually costs the city at least $100 million.
  • Delays created by the change order process, on average, can add at least $600,000 to each project annually—on top of the cost of additional work…we estimate that change-order-related delays cost the city more than $60 million each year.
  • While some improvements to project delivery have been made, capital project staff at sponsor agencies say that too few DDC project managers are acting as the client’s best advocate and could do more to anticipate roadblocks, navigate approvals, and speed up the process…sponsor agencies can help improve project delivery by limiting scope changes after a project is initiated.
  • Multiple capital eligibility reviews by the Office of Management and Budget—conducted for every budget modification..add between four and six months to the average project timeline… requirements for registering contracts with the Comptroller’s Office has delayed projects hundreds of times, as initial applications are denied and returned with additional questions.
  • When allowed to self-manage projects via pass-through funding, sponsor agencies..can complete projects in just 20 percent of the time of DDC-managed projects, and at one-third of the cost.

New York can no longer afford to squander its limited capital funds. The city’s infrastructure needs are simply too great and capital funding too limited.

New York can no longer afford to squander its limited capital funds. The city’s infrastructure needs are simply too great and capital funding too limited.

public parks are straining to accommodate a surge in use amid the pandemic”  

But right now, the city’s broken capital construction process is standing in the way.

…the city’s limited infrastructure funds don’t stretch very far, leaving many needed projects on the drawing board and causing unacceptable trade-offs between maintaining current infrastructure and building innovative new structures to meet growing demand.

Reforms Are Taking Hold, But Need to Go Much Further 
…the city’s capital project management agency, the Department of Design and Construction, announced a major overhaul of its processes. The agency’s Strategic Blueprint for Construction Excellence mapped out plans to expand front-end planning to reduce delays before construction even starts; modernize the procurement process; implement more effective project management within DDC; and improve coordination among sponsor agencies, oversight agencies, and vendors across hundreds of different projects.

The Center for Urban Future report provides the first assessment of DDC’s reform efforts.

…reforms are taking hold, resulting in more thorough front-end planning, more responsive project managers, better avoidance of lengthy change order delays, faster payments, and better-qualified contractors.

But..”A capital process where the average project still takes 90 months remains badly broken.”

Five Keys to Fixing NYC’s Broken Capital System
…analyzed in more detail on page 11 of the report.

1. DDC is not yet getting the help it needs from OMB and other city agencies that play a significant role in the delays that plague the capital process. 

2. The low-bid requirement produces an underwhelming pool of contractors, leading to subpar performance and routine delays.

3. The approval process for change orders still takes too long.

4. Projects still suffer from inadequate project management.

5. Libraries and cultural institutions lack the authority or capacity to self-manage more projects


A Glimmer of What’s Possible: DDC’s Performance During COVID 

..DDC leveraged emergency powers granted in response to the pandemic to overcome the usual restrictions and procedural hurdles and execute projects at warp speed. For example, a new outpatient healthcare facility in the Bronx was completed in just six months, while DDC was also building 15 new testing centers and two temporary field hospitals—a pace that would be unthinkable under the current process.

…At this moment of crisis, the city needs to maximize the impact of every dollar invested into vital social infrastructure—and seize the opportunity to transform a dysfunctional capital construction process.

The next mayor and the City Council will need to build on this progress and go a lot further.”

More details here.

Full report here.



Read MoreCenter for Urban Future Report: “STRETCHING NEW YORK CITY’S CAPITAL DOLLARS”
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From NRC: Support Recycling and Zero Waste in the Biden Infrastructure Bill


Sign the petition here.

From “The National Recycling Coalition (NRC) and over 150 organizations and individuals in signing on to a letter initiated by the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and Zero Waste USA asking President Biden and Vice President Harris to establish policies and programs for waste reduction, reuse, recycling and composting that will stem climate disruption, address racial justice, and create thousands of jobs throughout the country. 

Asking “the Biden-Harris Administration to consider these items in a stimulus package, infrastructure bill, racial justice and/or climate change legislation..also sent to Congress for them to advocate for and include in proposed legislation, such as the Clean Future Act and bills being developed now on infrastructure such as the American Jobs Plan.”

Key goals to be included in federal policies and programs that are detailed in the letter include:

1. STOP TRASHING THE CLIMATE: The US Environmental Protection Agency has long documented the significant connections between wasting and climate change. Our linear system of materials extraction, processing, consumption, and disposal in landfills and incinerators is intimately tied to core contributors to climate change (energy use, transportation, and deforestation). We urge adopting a Zero Waste approach – via redesign, reduction, reuse, recycling, and composting – which is one of the quickest and most effective strategies to protect the climate.

2. CENTER EQUITY: Design federal policies and programs to support the safety, equitable access to sustainable job training and jobs, elimination of toxics and pollution in frontline communities and Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC). Create a just and inclusive system for a sustainable and regenerative future

3. REDESIGN: Require manufacturers to minimize and eliminate hazards and redesign products for highest material and energy efficiency and a closed circle economy. Focus services and products to embody durability, repairability, reuse, with recycling or composting as the final option.  Waste less through right sizing and better design.

4. BAN WASTEFUL PRODUCTS: Direct EPA and other appropriate federal agencies to support and implement product bans for products that are demonstrated to be wasteful by design.

5. MAKE PRODUCERS RESPONSIBLE:  Require companies to eliminate the hazards their products pose to the environment and human health throughout the entire life cycle of the product, from resource extraction to final disposition. Producers should be held financially responsible for remedies of their products’ impacts.

6. REDUCE AND SEPARATE AT THE SOURCE: After redesign, collect all discarded materials and products separated at the source and further sort them into higher quality fractions for reuse, recycling, or composting.

7. KEEP COMPOSTABLE ORGANICS OUT OF LANDFILLS AND INCINERATORS NOW: Compost or digest organic materials to make and use compost and mulch to reduce greenhouse gases and sequester carbon. Support and implement incentives, penalties or controls to prevent food scraps and yard materials from entering incinerators and landfills.

8. SUPPORT AND EXPAND REPAIR, REUSE AND RESCUE: Support existing reuse and repair organizations and infrastructure and expand opportunities for reuse and repair through outreach and education, promotion, and investment. Establish programs to rescue edible food for people and animals.

9. BUILD ZERO WASTE INFRASTRUCTURE: Invest in Zero Waste infrastructure, including resource recovery parks, to safely salvage usable items and parts and handle all discards as resources to be conserved and recovered. To maintain robust and self-sustaining recycling markets in North America, increase the purchase of products with recycled content. Include the use of reuse systems, recycled content and compost products in infrastructure projects to increase the benefits of those investments.

10 END WELFARE FOR WASTING: End subsidies for resource extraction and support choosing recovered materials first for manufacturing, including eliminating subsidies for fossil fuel extraction.

11. LEVY FEES AND SURCHARGES: Adopt fees and surcharges on wasteful products, landfills and incinerators.

12. RETIRE EXISTING INCINERATORS AND STOP NEW FACILITIES: Eliminate investments in incineration and landfilling to free up taxpayer money for resource conservation, efficiency, and renewable energy solutions.

The final letter was sent to the Biden-Harris Administration on March 31, 2021, the day the Administration announced its Infrastructure Plan, known as The American Jobs Plan. The NRC believes that recycling is also an integrated part of America’s infrastructure as well as a means toward addressing climate change, and therefore has initiated this petition for recycling to be included in infrastructure and climate change legislation.

Support the Biden-Harris letter by signing this petition and sharing it with your colleagues and friends.

As the American Jobs Plan forms into legislation, please contact your Congressional Representatives and U.S. Senators and ask that the components in the Biden-Harris letter be included in infrastructure and climate change legislation, because Recycling is Infrastructure Too.

More information about the National Recycling Coalition

To become a member: website.

To sign the petition on behalf of an organization, please write to

Read MoreFrom NRC: Support Recycling and Zero Waste in the Biden Infrastructure Bill
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NYers for Parks & The Play Fair Coalition: NYC Mayoral Candidates Forum: A New Vision for Parks & Open Space

All candidates invited.

Who came: Art Chang; Shaun Donovan; Kathryn Garcia; Ray McGuire. Thank you for taking the time to speak about this precious resource.

On April 19, 2021 New Yorkers for Parks and the Play Fair Coalition hosted a conversation with New York City Mayoral Candidates about the future of NYC parks and open spaces and what policies need to be created for a 21st century, equitable system.

Invited candidates included: Eric Adams; Art Chang; Shaun Donovan; Kathryn Garcia; Ray McGuire; Dianne Morales; Scott Stringer; Maya Wiley; and Andrew Yang.

The event was presented by New York Law School and was moderated by Juan Manuel Benítez, political anchor and reporter for NY1 News.

To watch the event,  view the video below:


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New Yorkers for Parks and the Play Fair Coalition: April 19th at 6:30pm NYC Mayoral Candidate Forum

Monday, April 19th at 6:30pm for a mayoral candidate forum moderated by NY1 News/NY1 Noticias political anchor and report Juan Manuel Benítez.


New Yorkers for Parks and the Play Fair Coalition invite you to:
A New Vision for Parks & Open Space
2021 NYC Mayoral Candidate Forum
As a proud member of the Play Fair Coalition, City Parks Foundation is pleased to join New Yorkers for Parks and our 300+ partners across the city to invite New York City mayoral candidates to join a conversation on the future of NYC’s parks and open spaces, and the policies we need to create a 21st century, equitable system.
It’s been a year of highs and lows. Though New Yorkers turned out in unprecedented numbers for their parks during the pandemic, citywide conditions reached a low point as the Parks Department struggled to weather an $80 million budget cut.
Now is the time for New York City to prioritize parks as critical infrastructure. We need a bold, new vision from our next Mayor – to realize a new era in which all New Yorkers enjoy equitable access to safe, clean parks in their communities.
Please join us on Monday, April 19th at 6:30pm for a mayoral candidate forum moderated by NY1 News/NY1 Noticias political anchor and report Juan Manuel Benítez.
Invited Candidates:
Eric Adams
Art Chang
Shaun Donovan
Kathryn Garcia
Ray McGuire
Dianne Morales
Scott Stringer
Maya Wiley
Andrew Yang
The event is co-sponsored by the Play Fair Coalition, including more than 300 advocacy groups across the city — from all the city park conservancies to scores of smaller grass roots organizations and friends-of groups.
At City Parks Foundation, we are dedicated to invigorating and transforming parks into dynamic, vibrant centers of urban life through sports, arts, community building and education programs for all New Yorkers. Our programs — located in more than 400 parks, recreation centers and public schools across New York City — reach 310,000 people each year. Our ethos is simple: thriving parks mean thriving communities.
Read MoreNew Yorkers for Parks and the Play Fair Coalition: April 19th at 6:30pm NYC Mayoral Candidate Forum
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Seasonal Jobs at Parks!

Go to the Parks Department website to apply.

NYC Parks helps bring together people from all over our great city. From the iconic Central Park to neighborhood playgrounds, we own and operate some of the most exemplary green spaces in the world. At NYC Parks, our mission is to plan resilient and sustainable parks, public spaces, and recreational amenities, build a park system for the present and future generations, and care for parks and public spaces.

NYC Parks is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Parks Mission

Want to know more about who we are and what we do? See our vision and mission to understand our priorities and to learn more about how we create and sustain thriving parks and public spaces for New Yorkers.


Work at NYC Parks offers innovation, leadership, the satisfaction of public service, and a place to grow and develop your career. Full-time employees are also eligible for a wide variety of City benefits and perks.

  • Health Care Coverage – We offer a wide variety of health care plans to meet the needs of you and your family.
  • Pension – Upon retirement, qualified members of the City’s generous pension program receive a guaranteed salary and health benefits for the rest of their lives.
  • Professional Development – We offer numerous training programs, leadership development opportunities, and career coaching services, while encouraging employees to attend approved off-site trainings and seminars.
  • Perks – Our employees are eligible for discounts on some of the top attractions in the city, and all employees receive free membership to our recreation centers.

Current Openings

Full-Time and
Seasonal Positions

NYC Parks offers both full-time and seasonal opportunities. Seasonal positions vary in length, and seasonal employees may not be eligible for the same variety of benefits as full-time employees.

Join the New York City
Cleanup Corps!

The New York City Cleanup Corps is a New Deal-inspired economic recovery program that will make New York City the cleanest, greenest city in the United States. 10,000 workers will be hired at agencies across the city, including here at Parks. To apply, review the Playground Associate, City Seasonal Aide, and City Park Worker listings by borough below.

Our Teams

Work at Parks Design and Construction - redesign, rebuild, and create Parks facilities

Design & Construction

We regularly redesign and rebuild hundreds of parks and facilities each year, and create vibrant spaces out of underused areas.

Work at Parks Maintenance and Operations - Parks maintenance worker clearing up snow in th parks for public safety

Maintenance & Operations

We help communities take pride in well-cared-for parks that are free of litter and safe for children to play.

Work at Parks Forestry & Environment - beautiful flowers from parks

Forestry & Environment

We take an innovative approach to forestry management, caring for more 650,000 street trees, and millions more in parks, and natural areas across the city.

Work at Parks Enforcement - Parks Enforcement Patrol officers on duty


Our trained law enforcement officers help us ensure that our city’s parks are secure and act as ambassadors to the park.

Work at Parks Recreation & Programming - shape up NYC program instructor teaching dances

Recreation & Programming

Our creative and dynamic programs bring our community’s shared spaces to life, teach people lifelong skills, and help us understand the natural world.

Work at Parks Administration - administrators at planning meeting


Our administration leads thousands of full-time employees and helps us innovate, plan, and analyze the future of our city’s parks.

Become an NYC Parks Lifeguard

Read MoreSeasonal Jobs at Parks!
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Bedford & Bowery via the Lo-Down: Chinatown’s Forsyth Plaza (south of SDR Park) A Night Market

The Matchmaking Service That Pairs Visionary Designers With Covid Conundrums

FABnyc, AAFE and Think!Chinatown

“South of this burgeoning court, Yin Kong is thrilled to see a vibrant new future for Chinatown’s Forsyth Plaza. Kong is the cofounder and director of Think!ChinatoThink!Chinatown, a non-profit that helps foster inter-generational cultural engagement in Chinatown. “This is my dream project,” Kong said. “AAFE and Chinatown have been thinking about this project for years.”

This spring, Neighborhoods Now partnered Think!Chinatown and AAFE—Asian Americans for Equality, a community development organization that advances equitable opportunities for Asian Americans—with designers to implement their plans for a monthly night market in Forsyth Plaza. The plaza sits empty once fruit vendors leave for the evening; the central neighborhood spot is then “just, like, crickets chirping,” Kong said.

The night market, scheduled to begin this summer, will bring people and light to the triangle plaza. It will feature outdoor screenings of locally produced short films and also accommodate vendors. The commercial dynamic of the market will function like an incubator for Chinatown businesses affected by the pandemic. “The idea,” Kong said, “is that [vendors] will develop a following, so that by the time they’re ready to graduate to a brick and mortar, they already have [business].” The actualization of this long-term dream will not only replace the chirping crickets of Forsyth Plaza with New Yorkers, but will also re-populate Chinatown’s storefronts.”


Although we actually like chirping crickets in parks!




Read MoreBedford & Bowery via the Lo-Down: Chinatown’s Forsyth Plaza (south of SDR Park) A Night Market
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