SDR Park Stanton ParkHouse Return the Stanton Building to This Community

For Valentine’s Day Love Your Park…

This Thursday, February 14, 3:00 pm

SDR Park Outside the Stanton Street Building, corner of Chrystie & Stanton streets.


WHAT: On Thursday February 14th, Council Member Chin and the Stanton Street Park Building Task Force of the Sara D. Roosevelt Park Community Coalition, which includes University Settlement, Green Map System, and FABnyc, will rally to bring the Stanton Street Building back to the community. For 30 years, the Stanton Street Building has been out of public hands. It is time that the residents of the Lower East Side have access to this building. 


Rush Perez

Communications Director

Council Member Margaret Chin

Council District 1

O: 212 788 7259

C:646 592 0499

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NYS Legislature Passes Menhaden Bill & “Don’t let GE off the hook”

From RiverKeeper:

RiverKeeper: “NY Legislature passes menhaden bill: ‘The public is
stepping up to protect these fish’
The New York State Senate today passed legislation to prevent the use of “purse seines,” the enormous nets being used by industrial fishing
operations, to harvest Atlantic menhaden (also known as “bunker”) in
New York State waters. The Assembly passed the measure on Monday
 (A.2571/S.2317). The bill goes to Governor Cuomo’s office for his
George Jackman, Riverkeeper Habitat Restoration Manager, said:
“Well done, New York. Protecting menhaden is absolutely essential for
supporting life in the Hudson and the coastal Atlantic, and this law sends an important message.
Menhaden, also known locally as “bunker,” are at risk from
overfishing. Enormous purse seine nets can capture giant schools of
along with other marine life swept up as “bycatch” – bluefish, striped
bass, river herring, shad, maybe even dolphin. This industrial level of fishing is mining vast numbers of menhaden from the sea to grind them into fish meal and fish oil, without regard to their important role in the
ecosystem. “
Photo: Gene Helfman

Menhaden are a critical species for the Hudson River and the coastal
Atlantic. They filter algae and are the preferred prey for whales, striped
bass, bluefish, tuna, sharks, cod, and more, but if an industrial fishery has its way, their population will be further decimated. If striped bass cannot
feed on menhaden, they will shift to herring and shad — disrupting the
food webs of the Hudson River and the coastal Atlantic even further. 
Iconic species like whales and dolphins are being seen just outside New
York Harbor. They are here for the menhaden. If menhaden are
overfished in our coastal waters, we can expect whales and dolphin to
move on.”


RiverKeeper: Join us in urging EPA Regional Administrator Pete
Lopez to issue a “not protective” determination in the Five Year
Review and to withhold the Certificate of Completion until the job is
truly done. Send a personalized message here.
The EPA must not let GE walk away from cleaning up the rest of its mess
in the Hudson River. Right now, EPA is finalizing its Five Year Review of
the Superfund cleanup and considering whether to issue a Certificate of
Completion for the work done to date. If EPA grants the Certificate of
Completion, it risks letting GE off the hook and leaving New Yorkers with a river that will be contaminated for decades to come. In December 2018, New York State released a report showing that significant PCB
contamination remains in the Upper Hudson River. And, recent findings
from the Hudson River Natural Resource Trustees indicate that PCBs in
the Hudson are harming the native mink population. Another study,
commissioned by Riverkeeper and our partners, shows that it could take much longer for fish in the Hudson River to recover from the PCB
contamination than EPA originally anticipated. EPA must hold GE
accountable for its toxic PCB pollution by issuing a “not protective”
determination in the Five Year Review and withholding the Certificate of Completion until the job is truly done. EPA Regional Administrator Pete
Lopez isn’t some distant bureaucrat in Washington, DC — he lives in our
region and is a former member of the New York State Assembly. He has
the power to ensure that EPA’s final decisions reflect the reality that more work needs to be done to clean up the Hudson River. He needs to hear
from you.

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From the City of New York: Dear New Yorkers,

On Tuesday, February 26, 2019, New York City will hold a citywide special election for Public Advocate.

“The Public Advocate seeks to resolve complaints from the public about City agencies and services, recommends how the City can best serve New Yorkers, promotes public access to information, and introduces bills in the City Council.

Voting is vital to our democracy, and the City encourages all eligible New Yorkers to vote. Polling sites will be open from 6:00 AM – 9:00 PM on Election Day.

If you need to register to vote or update your existing registration, you can do so by mail or online by February 1st, or in person at a Board of Elections office by February 16th. 

To register to vote or update your existing registration, find your assigned poll site, check your registration status, or for more information on voting, visit or call 311.

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Celebrate the Lunar New Year of the Pig in Chinatown

From: Better Chinatown USA


February 17, 2019 | Sunday | 1:00pm

 Chinatown Lower Manhattan

Parade route: Mott & Canal to Chatham Square to East Broadway towards the Manhattan Bridge, completing on Eldridge and Forsyth Streets towards Grand Street next to Sara D. Roosevelt Park.


February 5, 2018 | Tuesday | 11:00am – 330pm. 

Sara D. Roosevelt Park at Grand Street.

Rooster photos of M’Finda Kalunga Garden’s rooster

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ECOLOGICAL CITY A Cultural & Climate Solutions Action Project WINTER/SPRING 2019

Rites of Spring M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden 2005

ECOLOGICAL CITY An Ecological Arts & Climate Solution Action Project. Learn More
ECOLOGICAL CITY Planning Meeting – Wednesday, February 6, 2019 – 6:30pm @ The Loisaida Inc. Center – 710 E. 9th (btwn Aves C & D) Lower East Side, New York City 
March 2 – May 8 Learn More
Saturday, May 11 (Rain Date May 12) Learn More
SEE 2018 ROUTE & SCHEDULE (to be updated for 2019)

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At Davos: ‘Stop talking about philanthropy, start talking about taxes’”.

Davos Conference Excerpt:

‘It feels like I’m at a firefighters conference and no one’s allowed to speak about water.’

Rutger Bregman, historian: “This is my first time at Davos and I find it quite a bewildering experience to be honest… 1,500 private jets flown in here to hear Sir David Attenborough to speak about…how we’re wrecking the planet…I hear people talking the language of participation, justice and inequality and transparency but then almost no one raises the real issue of tax avoidance, right? And of the rich just not paying their fair share…it feels like I’m at a firefighters conference and no one’s allowed to speak about water, right? There was only one panel hidden away in the media center, that was actually about tax avoidance. I was one of about 15 participants. Something needs to change here. 10 years ago, the World Economic Forum asked the question “What must Industry do to prevent a broad social backlash?” The answer is very simple: Just stop talking about philanthropy, and start talking about taxes”

Just two days ago there was a billionaire, Michael Dell, in here and he asked a question: Name me one country where a top marginal tax rate of 70% would work? And I’m an historian: The United States. That’s where it actually worked in the 1950’s.

During Republican President Eisenhower, the war veteran, the top marginal tax rate was 91% for people like Michael Dell.. the top estate tax for people like Michael Dell was more than 70%. This is not rocket science ..we can talk for a long time about all these stupid philanthropy schemes. We can invite Bono once more but come on we have to be talking about taxes..taxes, taxes, taxes. All the rest is bullsh*t in my opinion.”

Winnie Byanyima ED Oxfam: “We have a tax system that leaks so much that allows $170 Billion of tax dollars to be taken to tax havens and to be denied the developing countries that need the money the most so we have to look at the business model, and we have to look at the role of governments to tax and plow money back into people’s lives….

We work with poultry workers in the richest country in the world, the US. Poultry workers: these are the women who are cutting the chickens and packaging them and we buy them in the supermarket. [One of the women who worked there] said they have to wear diapers because they are not allowed to work because they are not allowed toilet breaks. These are the jobs we have been told about that globalization is bringing. The quality of the jobs matters. It matters. These are not jobs of dignity. In many countries workers have no longer have a voice. They are not allowed to unionize, they are not allowed to negotiate for salaries. So we are talking about jobs but jobs that bring dignity. We’re talking about health care, The World Bank has told us that 3.4 Billion people who earn $5.50 a day are on the verge of, are just one medical bill away from sinking into poverty. They don’t have health care. They are just a crop failure away from sinking back into poverty. They have no crop insurance. So don’t tell me about low levels of unemployment. You are counting the wrong things. You are not counting dignity of people. You are counting exploited people.”

Read MoreAt Davos: ‘Stop talking about philanthropy, start talking about taxes’”.
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Green America’s Top 10 Solutions to Reverse Climate Change

Green America: Paul Hawken and the Project Drawdown experts thought they knew what to expect when they modeled and ranked 80 solutions that could reverse global warming. But the data had some surprises in store. 

Most prominently was that even when the solutions are modeled in terms of what they call a “Plausible Scenario”—a conservative measure of projected solution implementation that is “reasonable yet optimistic”—society still makes great strides toward achieving drawdown, the point where greenhouse-gas levels in the atmosphere begin to decline. 

Together, all 80 reduce or sequester carbon by 1,051 gigatons by 2050 in the Plausible Scenario. Using the scenario that gets us to drawdown—which requires ramping up the solutions a bit more than the conservative measure, particularly renewable energy—they reduce or sequester carbon by 1,442 gigatons by 2050. 

Below are the top ten solutions, ranked in terms of emissions reduction potential over a 30-year period. For the other 90 solutions, we highly recommend you read Drawdown: the Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming (Penguin Books, 2017), edited by Paul Hawken. —the Green America editors 

1. Refrigerant Management

2. Wind Turbines (Onshore) 

3. Reduced Food Waste 

4. Adoption of a Plant-Rich Diet

5. Tropical Forest Restoration

6. Educating Girls

7. Family Planning

8. Solar Farms

9. Silvopasture

10. Rooftop Solar

Read MoreGreen America’s Top 10 Solutions to Reverse Climate Change
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Green Roofs for Healthy Cities Policy Update

As a central tenant of our mission at Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, we are committed to advocating for widespread acceptance and policy support for green roofs and walls in municipalities across North America.  
New York City Council Holding Hearings on Green Roof Legislation
As part of our policy advocacy efforts, we are requesting Letters of Support from developers and building owners who have benefited from their green roof project for a legislative package in front of New York City Council’s Environmental Protection Committee by no later than January 25thLetters should be sent to Blaine Stand (
In June 2018, New York City Council Members Costa Constantinides,
District 22; Rafael Espinal, District 37; Stephen Levin, District 33; and Donovan Richards, District 31; formally introduced a package of legislation
aimed at expanding green roofs in New York City as a concerted effort to combat climate change. On January 28, 2019, the Committee on
Environmental Protection will be holding a public hearing to discuss the proposed legislation: Int 141 – Local Law to amend the New York city
administrative code, in relation to requiring that the roofs of city-owned
buildings be partially covered in source control measures. Int 276 – Local Law to amend the New York city building code, in relation to requiring
that the roofs of certain new buildings be partially covered in plants or
solar panels. Int 961 – Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to extending J-51 benefits to owners of multiple dwellings for green roofs. Int 1031 – Local Law to amend the
administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to posting information regarding green roofs on the website of the office of alternative
energy. Int 1032 – Local Law to amend the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to requiring that the roofs of certain buildings
be covered in green roofs, solar panels or small wind turbines. Int 1317 – Local Law to amend the New York city noise control code, the
administrative code of the city of New York and the New York city
building code, in relation to large wind turbines. Res 66  – Resolution
calling upon the State Legislature to pass, and the Governor to sign,
legislation that would increase the real property tax abatement for the
installation of a green roof to $15 per square foot. Green Roofs for
Healthy Cities is coordinating a campaign to see the legislation pass and
provide additional technical input to New York City As part of this
initiative, GRHC is seeking letters of support from developers and
building owners who have benefited from their green roof project and
support these legislative initiatives.
If you are able to contact owners and/or developers in New York City
that would be willing to submit written testimony in support of these
measures, please encourage them to draft a one page letter, addresses to Costa Constantinides, Environment Protection Committee, and emailed
to Blaine Stand ( by no later than Friday January 25th.
There are a number of important steps over the coming months to
achieve a mandate for green roofs in New York, and with your assistance we can help New York City take this important step towards long-term
resilience, and significantly grow the green roof market. If you have any questions regarding this effort, contact Blaine Stand for details.
Thank you for your support!  
Green Roofs for Healthy Cities
Read MoreGreen Roofs for Healthy Cities Policy Update
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