From LUNGS: Parade
Spring Awakening this Sunday, April 14, parade at 11:45
(SEE MAP below).
Spring Awakening this Sunday, April 14, parade at 11:45
(SEE MAP below).
It never makes sense to pretend that a history hasn’t happened or that we can’t look compassionately and clearly at the cruelest chapters in our human chronicle, knowing we do so in order to move forward.
To not do so puts us in league with harmful ideas of revisionism and pretense which thwarts the unity needed to solve our many and dire crisis. It hounds and confuses efforts to understand, recover from, rectify, and end the ongoing damage of past injustices. It undermines a decent life for everyone – including both those who have been the target of wholesale exploitation, those who stood as frozen witnesses to it, and those who profited (financially) from that exploitation. Which is probably most, if not all, of us in these United States.
This brings us to the impacts of a history of the global trade in opium, its consequences for generations in and from China, and the legacy of a family that was honored in the naming of Sara Delano Roosevelt Park.
In recent news Brown University has chosen to face its history with the slave trade. It brings a collective sigh of relief when we do this squarely. We do it, not to smear someone we can then comfortably peg as the “bad guy”, but to be able to go forward with confidence: “this is where we were” but this is where we are going. Examples abound of individuals, institutions, and states looking squarely at the consequences of actions taken in the past (the Truth and Reconciliation Commission being one of the more famous of these). It is a growing international consensus that this is the only way we can actually move on from tragedy. These are not just things that happened long ago that have no consequence today. Any reading of history shows that the effects of war, slavery, genocide, colonization or in this case the drugging of a nation for profit, lives on in the affected future generations unless we stop and address it.
From –1997 New York Times The Opium War’s Secret History:
“Along with the slave trade, the traffic in opium [in China] was the dirty underside of an evolving global trading economy. In America as in Europe, pretty much everything was deemed fair in the pursuit of profits. Such was the outlook at Russell & Company, a Boston concern whose clipper ships made it the leader in the lucrative American trade in Chinese tea and silk. In 1823 a 24 year old Yankee, Warren Delano, sailed to Canton, where he did so well that within seven years he was a senior partner in Russell & Company. Writing home, Delano said he could not pretend to justify the opium trade on moral grounds, “but as a merchant I insist it has been.. fair, honorable and legitimate,”
Warren Delano returned to America rich, and in 1851 settled in Newburgh, N.Y. There he eventually gave his daughter Sara in marriage to a wellborn neighbor, James Roosevelt, the father of Franklin Roosevelt. The old China trader was closemouthed about opium, as were his partners in Russell & Company. It is not clear how much F.D.R. knew about this source of his grandfather’s wealth. But the President’s recent biographer Geoffrey Ward rejects efforts by the Delano family to minimize Warren’s involvement. …The family’s discomfort is understandable. We no longer believe that anything goes in the global marketplace, regardless of social consequences.
The opium trade had a disastrous affect on China. In the 1830’s…virtually all men under 40 smoked opium. The entire army was addicted. It affected all classes of people. The total number of addicts in China in the 1830’s was as high as 12 million As Mr. H. Wells Williams writes in his book “Middle Kingdom” the opium trade “was a turning point in the national life of the Chinese race.
Losers rarely name wars, an exception being the conflict between Britain and China from 1839 to 1842, known bluntly ever since as the Opium War. To most Chinese, a century of humiliation began with this war, in which Westerners sought to force a deadly drug on an Asian people, and then imposed an unequal treaty that pried open their country and annexed the island that became Hong Kong.
In embarrassing truth, that is essentially what happened. As Hong Kong reverts to China at month’s end, many of us for the first time may see a bit of history from a different end of the telescope. Yet a further point needs making. Even the authors of the Opium War were ashamed of it, and Western protests against it marked the beginning of a concern with international human rights that in a fresh turn embarrasses today’s leaders in Beijing.”
A statue in nearby Chattam Square of Lin Zexu (the Chinese official whose refusal to bend to British opium interests gave pretext for the Opium Wars) was paid for by Chinatown residents. A strong statement of the Chinese communities views on the legacy of the opium addiction enforced upon China’s people.
The area around the southern end of Sara D. Roosevelt Park is home and playground to Chinese children. It is a learning moment.
As Ruth J. Simmons President of Brown and great granddaughter of enslaved Africans said, “We cannot change the past. But an institution can hold itself accountable for the past, accepting its burdens and responsibilities along with its benefits and privileges”.
We find the source of the Delano’s wealth abhorrent, but this park carries that name, and it requires that we tell the whole story. There is a right to know. It serves nothing to pretend that any of us living in harsh times (past or present) fully escape both experiencing damage and causing harm to others. But we can begin to stop hiding the damages of history, face it squarely, and begin to recover our innate, though flawed, humanity.
We have an opportunity to acknowledge Warren Delano’s involvement with the opium trade…and to state, with certainty, that it was neither “fair”, nor “honorable” nor “legitimate”.
From Friends of Fort Greene Park
“The Parks Department misrepresented the health of the 58 mature trees marked for removal — a total of 71 trees will be endangered, including an additional 13 due to extreme pruning and adjacent excavation under their Parks Without Borders redesign plan. “
Take Action Now to Save 58 Mature Trees in Fort Greene Park
“We welcome an influx of money that would preserve, restore and enhance current and historic park features. NYC Parks are supposed to be stewards of these publicly owned spaces and residents expect them to implement community input and maintain the character of our neighborhood park.”
“Fort Greene residents say NO to Parks Without Borders redesign of the Park; NO to cutting down healthy trees and eliminating shade; NO to dismantling historic features; NO to concrete instead of green.”
From Children’s Magical Garden:
Please join members of Children’s Magical Garden tomorrow, Tuesday, April 9th at 7:30 AM. Press Conference Show your support of this beloved community garden under dire threat. Your presence will help protect this children’s garden. Trees and plants destroyed! This is a call for Solidarity! The Gardens stand together. An attack on one is an attack on all. Location: 129 Stanton Street between Norfolk and Essex, NY NY Members of Children’s Magical Garden were heartbroken and outraged to discover as they came to the garden on Sunday that a trespasser had illegally broken into their property and senselessly destroyed many of their treasured plantings, including their mature and flowering nectarine tree, elderberry bushes, butterfly bushes (which attracted monarch butterflies to the garden each year), mature boxwoods, and perennial flowers. The Children’s Magical Garden is beloved and historic community garden founded in 1982 at the corner of Norfolk and Stanton Streets on the Lower East Side. More than three decades ago, the Garden’s founding members transformed the site of a burned down building that had become a dangerous dumping ground across the street from P.S. 20 elementary school into an enclosed garden sanctuary, where children could safely play and learn about nature. Recognized by the New York City Council as a “neighborhood treasure,” and for its “vital role in transforming the Lower East Side environment,” this non-profit community garden has given mentorship to thousands of children and inspired a connection to nature for generations of New York City residents…. Despite public protests and repeated calls and letters to the developers by members of the New York City Council, the principals of all four neighboring schools, a petition signed by 2,500 community members, and a resolution by Community Board 3 in support of the “beloved community garden”, the developers have refused to work towards a peaceful resolution that returns the property to the Children’s Magical Garden. .. Gardeners are asking the community to call their representatives and let them know what the Children’s Magical Garden means to them. CONTACT: Dave Currence, Children’s Magical Garden Board Member Benjamin Burry, Sidley Austin |
From CityLab
By Rick Stachura
If JOPs were suddenly imbued with development rights, what would happen? In September 2018, Elizabeth Goldstein, President of the Municipal Art Society, told a hearing of the City Council Committee on Parks and Recreation that the impact would be unprecedented: “If [all the] JOPs across the city of New York were to have air rights today—if by some wave of the magic wand they were to have development rights—they would represent between 20 and 40 million square feet of development rights that aren’t currently on the books, which is the equivalent of 10 Empire State Buildings.”
Environmental Impact Statement Released Friday. Did you read it yet? Find it here: We encourage the community to continue participation in this process. Comments must be submitted on or before August 15, 2019, using one of the following ways: (1) orally or in writing at the Public Hearing; (2) via email to; (3) online at The East River Alliance will also be sharing comments on our website. Send copies of your submitted comments and notes on the EIS to: |
Get involved with the East River Alliance to work with the city for a better plan. All are welcome! We need your voice! Upcoming Meetings: Stewardship Committee: 6:30 PM, Monday, April 8 Lower East Side Ecology Center, Fire Boathouse, East River Park Promenade. General Meeting, focused on EIS: 6:30 PM, Wednesday, April 10th PS 15 – Roberto Clemente School, 333 East 4th St, NY, NY Check the website for news, updates, and upcoming committee and general meetings. Questions? Contact us at: Follow us on Twitter: @eastriverallies Instagram: Share photos, tag #eastriverparks, and follow @eastriveralliance |
From Gothamist illustrations by Clarisa Diaz, WNYC/Gothamist. Source: NY State Dept. of Environmental Conservation & NY State Dept. of Health
From BoweryBoogie:
“Cops are in pursuit of a man who they say sexually assaulted a woman in her Lower East Side apartment last week.”
“See site for photo of alleged perp
“Authorities describe the perp as 5 foot-8, weighing about 150 lbs., and last seen wearing a black Adidas sweatshirt. Police released surveillance footage to the public for assistance in identifying him.”
Go to site to see photo.
From Birdlink:
The full scale BIRDLINK will be installed in 2019 at Sara D. Roosevelt Park on Manhattan’s Lower East Side in readiness for the seasonal migrations on the Atlantic Flyway that pass through New York City. Enlivening a plaza in Sara Roosevelt Park, the site is located in a busy, economically and culturally diverse neighborhood that also hosts the African M’Finda Kalunda Garden and the Chinese Hua Mei Bird Garden for exotic caged songbirds. BIRDLINK attracts wild birds that reside or migrate through the city and touch down in this park with native plants that support them. It responds and expands upon community interests, and highlights the shared the urban ecosystem. Birds appeal to diverse individuals and bridge cultural differences. Dialogue is created when a community’s perception of a seemingly derelict place is replaced by an installation that activates that space.
New York State Parks, New York City Department of Parks and Recreation, New York City Audubon Society, Sara D. Roosevelt Park Coalition, BioBusGreenbelt, Native Plant Center : NYC Parks Audubon, New York For the Birds, University Settlement Adult Literacy Program, The Lower East Side Partnership, Bronx Children’s Museum
The New York City Department of Parks and RecreationStaten Island Greenbelt Native Plant NurseryNew York State Parks Recreation and Historic PreservationDonald Sussman Landscape ConsultantRobert Silman Associates Structural Engineers, DPCSalvatore Coscenza Design ConsultantKiwi Nguyen Design ConsultantMarie Salembier Horticulture Consultant
The New York State Connect Kids to Parks initiative, a program of the Environmental Protection FundColeman and Susan Burke Center for Native PlantsThe Durst OrganizationThe City Parks FoundationNew York City Audubon SocietyAnovaHunter
For other postings on SDR Coalition site about BirdLink here and here (with more photos).