Turning Refuse into Resources. Worth a Try?

From the EcoHub Website: ” A one-bin collection, separation, manufacturing system that enables city governments, corporations and citizens to repurpose 100% of their local waste.”

EcoHub represents the end of garbage, and the beginning of a day when refuse is turned into resources and opportunity. These resources will create new jobs, improve communities, and provide economic development for millions around the globe.

Garbage Is A Resource

“At EcoHub, we view 100% of the waste stream as a valuable resource – and we treat it as such. To us this means that every single piece of food, metal, paper, plastic, green waste, etc. has real economic value. Even items like diapers, rocks, sneakers, and other kinds of waste can be remade into new, sustainable products.

This philosophy is core to everything we do at EcoHub. If our garbage is so valuable, why would we bury it beneath instead of harvesting its potential? Better yet – if there is a way to repurpose 100% of our waste, why separate all our garbage into “recyclables” and “non-recyclables” at all? “

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