The Good News and the Bad News in Sara Roosevelt Park Grand Street to Canal

During our periodic walk throughs we take photos of how things are going in our narrow strip of park.

The community knows how to use resources: handball courts and basketball courts are filled. The redesigned Hester Street Playground is alive with families. Bathrooms are open to the public (more on that later).

The resting area near the Hester Street Park’s Building has people enjoying every inch of space. Green spaces are being maintained with sparse staffing. Cleaning is a top priority given the heavy usage.

The oval is used by everyone for enumerable activities: whatever can be imagined: sports, dancing, impromptu badminton,  volleyball (more on that later). Pace HS, MS 131, Emma Lazarus HS all use this field for necessary outdoor time.


The Bad News: Then there is the extremely hazardous sports field oval, parked cars taking up park space creating hazards, lack of nets for games that many girls want to play. Bathrooms are misused and impossible to maintain given current funding and staffing. See photos below.


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