It’s My Park Day

Poet Laureate and conservationist W.S. Merwin:

“On the last day of the world I would want to plant a tree…”

Thank you to all who helped us make IMPD this Spring wonderfully successful!

Sweeping, trash removal, planting, weeding, pruning, zumba-ing, drumming, bike-repairing, green map giving, petition signing, suggestions for park building-ing, eating (at MKGarden-ing), translating, oral history telling, tenant organizing, tree planting and neighboring…

We especially thank all the young people and their teachers who came to help out!!! Thanks also to Kirsty Bambridge and Indio Torres of Partnership for Parks and Parks for the prompt delivery of supplies for our 40 plus volunteers today.

Thanks to Zack of Times Up! for bike repair expertise, Olivier (and Green System map give aways!), Dylan House of Hester Street for the oral history collecting (Jim Pender and Bob are now history!) Gardeners (Diana, Bud, Kevin, Dick) and Farmer Ted and the CSA for feeding us!, University Settlement and the Chinatown Y for our Zumba teacher, our Drum circle (wonderful!) and tenants information. We had petition drives, etc etc.etc.!!

And of course Peter Gee and Jin Xiu and Kayan of AAFE and for being in the center of our lovely chaos!

We are so proud of our Park and all our volunteers.

Here are some photos taken by Kayan Chiu of Asian American’s for Equality (AAFE) of the Coalition’s activities during It’s My Park Day.

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Hester Street Collaborative Year of the Snake Lantern

Every year the Hester Street Collaborative works with 150 local middle school students at M.S. 131 to create a two month-long lantern installation in Sara D. Roosevelt Park in Chinatown. In the sixth year of this project, to celebrate the Year of the Snake, the students have constructed a 180 foot long snake along one of the walkways in the park.

Visit their Facebook page.


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Sara D Sustainability Series

Extend your green network and learn sustainability skills at the
Sara D Sustainability Series!

Two Lower East Side-based Nonprofits – Time’s Up! and Green Map System –  have teamed up with M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden to present this series of free workshops and practical training for community sustainability.
Join us in this rare outdoor public space to learn about

Carbon-Free Mobility! Green Jobs! Waste Reduction! Much More!

The workshops will take place each Friday in August from 6:30-8:30pm
at Sara Roosevelt Park’s M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden.

Learn green collar job skills, share your ideas with others,
and taking an active role in making our city more livable!

Note: Workshops will be postponed for heavy rain.
All ages welcome.

Free Workshop Schedule Fridays, 6:30-8:30PM:

  • 8/10 – Bike Repair & Safety
  • 8/17 – Green Jobs in our Community & Intro to Tools
  • 8/24 – Composting, Bokashi & Mud Ball Making
  • 8/31 – Bike Repair & Safety

M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden, in Sara D. Roosevelt Park

Rivington Street (between Chrystie and Forsyth Streets).

By subway, take the J to Bowery or the F to 2nd Avenue.

Printable poster

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New funding for the park

We were thrilled to hear about funding for SDR park from Council Member Margaret Chin’s office. It makes an enormous difference to have that kind of infusion in a park that serves so many residents and visitors in the densely packed Lower East Side. Especially since it is earmarked for the Stanton Street Park’s building.

We are gathering resources, help and commitments to help turn this storage space into a viable space for much needed teen/tween programming for the local community. All parties seem to be eager to work out any difficulties in making it happen!

This area serves four high schools, Housing sponsored by the NY Society for the Deaf, the Rafael Hernandez NYCHA building, Section 8 housing on 10 Stanton Street, Avalon Bay, the soccer field on Stanton and a rehabilitation facility on Chrystie Street.

We thank our Council Member for keeping this area in her sights.

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