SDR Coalition: NYCommons Neighborhood Partners!
SDR Coalition is grateful to NYCommons for the chance to collaborate on an important undertaking in NYC. We thank member Wendy Brawer of Green Map System for spearheading our application!
We also welcome Kevin Tobar Pesantez of University Settlements’ Project Home as organizer for the SDR Park Coalition’s Stanton Street Park Building Task Force. You can contact Kevin at for more information.
SDR has been invited to collaorate with NYCommons on workshops to help New Yorkers learn to protect and expand publicly owned and controlled land and buildings in our neighborhoods. NYCommons is a collaboration between Common Cause/NY, the Community Development Project (CDP) at the Urban Justice Center, and 596 Acres, Inc. The next phase of our work includes focusing on 2-3 neighborhoods to pilot workshops where we spotlight means to participate effectively in current land use processes, as well as challenges shared by many community groups working around local land use struggles.
Background. NYCommons spent a year conducting research through meetings with over 100 organizations and community activists across NYC. Through the initial outreach and research, they identified public assets that present important opportunities for public participation and community input in many communities.
SDR Coalition will join with NYCommons as co-hosts of workshops focused on helping to foster an understanding of what neighbors can do to ensure that public assets continue to be a resource for their communities.
NYCommons will collaborate with us to help local residents learn how decisions about these properties are made and how residents can participate in the process.
NYCommons has developed a deep network of New Yorkers focusing their advocacy on public real estate assets, land use, housing rights, community participation, and neighborhood-based advocacy.
CB3 Meeting on Two -way bike lane proposal for Chrystie Street (alongside SDR Park)
Gotham Gazette: “First Look At The Two-Way Bike Lane Proposed For Chrystie Street”
Will want to insure the proposed lanes take into account park users such as those who live in the Housing for the Deaf, those seniors who use the park and access the senior center in the park, the children from various after-school, high school, soccer leagues and Head Start programs…etc…
Manhattan Community Board 3 Transportation Committee Meeting
March 8, 2016 6:30 pm
Grand Street Settlement Cornerstone
Seward Park Extension
56 Essex Street (corner of Grand)
Voter Registration at Pace High School for Pace HS Students!! AND CPA 2016 Voter Registration Drive
Chinese Progressive Association (CPA) is going to be participating in Student Voter registration day.
If you turn 18 by December 31, 2016, you can vote in any of the 2016 elections.
Friday March 18 from 9:15-11:30am.
They will be registering students (18 year old 12th graders) at Pace High School (not for the general public!). Students will gather in the library. There will be a short program, a talk and then voter registration right there.
Once you’ve registered to vote, there is the link to go to check that you’re in the voter rolls :
CPA will need a few volunteers who are free that morning to help register the students. The students will be given the forms to fill out themselves. CPA will collect them, but they will need people to help collect and do a quick check of the form.
If any coalition members are free that morning to help please contact the Chinese Progressive Association: or 212-274-1891
For those interested in volunteering, there will be a training: Thurs. Mar 10 at 10am or 2:30 pm. The trainings are being held at the NYC campaign finance board.
CPA has launched an exciting 2016 campaign!
“2016 will be an exciting year. We will vote for President, and our representatives in Congress and the State Assembly. Join us to get our voice and vote heard!
- Register new voters
- Get the word out about community involvement in local forums.
- Chinese language skills are welcome but not necessary.
- Training provided. You will learn about voting and community empowerment, how to have a conversation to help more people participate and vote!
- Work in a team and have fun.
- Community service credits provided.
Contact us at or 212-274-1891 to volunteer.”
Petition to demand accountability for the murder of Indigenous Environmental Activist Berta Caceres
“We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945), German Lutheran pastor, theologian, dissident anti-Nazi
The Goldman Environmental Prize is given to grassroots environmental activists from each of six world regions. The 2015 year winner included Honduran indigenous rights leader Berta Caceres and her organization. They were fighting not just governments, but some of the world’s most powerful corporations to protect their land and livelihood. They faced death death threats and repression.
Wednesday, Berta Caceres was shot and killed in her home in La Esperanza, Intibuca. While the killers’ ID remains unknown, activists, media observers and the Cáceres family pointed to the increasingly reactionary and violent Honduran government, which has frequently clashed with Cáceres over her high-profile activism against land dispossession and mining, and her defense of indigenous rights.
“…the struggles around the world — whether we call it environmental activism, or struggles around indigenous rights to their commons (and rights-to-their means-of-livelihood)– are the target. These are also as much struggles against various violations of women’s ESC rights. Women, whether in the leadership of these struggles, or participants, are physically harmed/ sexually abused.”- Shiney Varghese
There is a petition to end the US military aid to Honduras and stop the murder of environmental activists that reads:
“Secretary Kerry:
I have recently learned of the murder of Berta Cáceres, co-founder of the Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras, and winner of the 2015 Goldman Environmental Prize.
Her tragic death is emblematic of the grave human rights situation in Honduras today. Although we do not know who her assailants were, we believe her murder is the latest in a growing trend of state suppression against social movement leaders like Berta.
We urge the State Department to promote a truly independent investigation into the killing of Berta and the many other environmental and land defenders in Honduras, and begin subjecting Honduras to vetting process under the Leahy law, and to enforce the law by immediately stopping military aid to the country.
FREE 8- week, theme based art experience for families
From the Houston Street Center an Art experience for families called PACT (Parents and Children Together with Art)!
5-13 years old children (and their parents)
8 Weeks
Every Friday starting March 18th
Enrollment deadline THIS FRIDAY, March 11th
Chinese translation in each course.
Parents! This is an 8 week commitment -come consistently.
For more information: University Settlement’s Houston Street Center
Flyers are below in English, Spanish & Chinese.
Each session begins with exposure to a professional work of art that serves as an inspiration image, followed by an art-making experience, and concludes with a sharing circle. PACT activities are designed to increase parental involvement and graduate in complexity to encourage positive forms of family communication and sustained teamwork. With a 1:2 or 1:3 volunteer to family ratio, Professional Facilitators lead trained Volunteer Coaches to implement a creative arts curriculum that requires families to develop ideas and work collaboratively. .
“After City Lifts Deed Restriction, Rivington House Building Sold For $116 Million to Luxury Developers”
Lousy news for this neighborhood.
Rivington House sold for $116 million dollars. The city “lifted the deed restrictions without any guarantees that the property would remain a community asset”.
At the same time that Cuomo and de Blasio are frantic to find housing for people with HIV AIDs this building, a former AIDs hospice, was let go for $16 million to the Allure Group (who just flipped a nursing home for condos in Bed Sty).
To read more detail: Lo-Down.
Thanks to the Lo-Down for their thorough reporting.
Two -way bike lane on Chrystie Street proposal: CB3 Transportation Committee Meeting
Transportation Alternatives Manhattan activists would like to remind the neighborhood about their Chrystie Street bike campaign. For those members who are able make this meeting please do attend and lend your expertise. On March 8th, the Community Board 3 Transportation Committee will see a redesign proposal from DOT (supported by Transportation Alternatives) for a two-way protected bicycle lane alongside Sara D. Roosevelt Park. The Coalition was also promised by DOT that an accessible, local, daytime meeting (with translation?) for the affected neighborhood to weigh in would be held! We will keep you posted. Manhattan Community Board 3 Transportation Committee Meeting When: Tuesday, March 8th at 6:30pm Where: Grand Street Settlement Cornerstone, Seward Park Extension, 56 Essex St. (between Grand St. and Broome St.) Transportation Alternative plans to call 600 constituents in the district, and recently distributed 200 bilingual flyers to advertise the event. If you would like more information about the campaign, please visit our website here: From the Transportation Alternatives website: “Chrystie Street is one of the Lower East Side’s busiest and most traveled streets. On one side, Chrystie St. is framed by mixed-use commercial and residential space. On the other side lies the historic Sara D. Roosevelt Park, the Lower East Side’s largest green space, which serves people of all ages with space for play and events, a senior center, and seasonal vendors’ markets. A two-way protected bicycle lane can improve the streetscape alongside the park, increase flow for bicycling and improve parkside access. People walking or biking on Chrystie Street deserve safer access at critical intersections that are the nexus with adjoining neighborhoods. Its intersections with major thoroughfares should take priority for traffic-calming measures.
We call on the Community Board 3 and Department of Transportation to implement the following improvements on Chrystie Street:
Noise survey from The New York State Comptroller’s Office
Dear New Yorkers:
The New York State Comptroller’s Office is conducting a survey on noise in New York City neighborhoods and would like you to take the survey.
You can access the survey through your Community Board. Your Community Board will email the survey weekly so make sure that you are on your Community Board’s email distribution list.
Community Boards may also choose to post the survey links on their websites, Facebook pages, Twitter feeds and other social media.
Research has demonstrated that noise can adversely impact public health. For example, noise can disturb sleep and increase stress levels.
We want to learn about your experience of noise in your community and solicit your ideas for reducing noise.
Toward that end, we are asking all community residents take the survey by March 15, 2016.
Thank you!
State Government Accountability
New York State Comptroller’s Office
Survey Links:
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