FREE 8- week, theme based art experience for families

From the Houston Street Center an Art experience for families called PACT (Parents and Children Together with Art)! 

5-13 years old children (and their parents)


8 Weeks 

Every Friday starting March 18th

Enrollment deadline THIS FRIDAY, March 11th

Chinese translation in each course. 

Parents! This is an 8 week commitment -come consistently.

For more information: University Settlement’s Houston Street Center

Flyers are below in English, Spanish & Chinese. 

2016 PACT flyer _Spa image003 2016 PACT flyer _Chi

Each session begins with exposure to a professional work of art that serves as an inspiration image, followed by an art-making experience, and concludes with a sharing circle. PACT activities are designed to increase parental involvement and graduate in complexity to encourage positive forms of family communication and sustained teamwork. With a 1:2 or 1:3 volunteer to family ratio, Professional Facilitators lead trained Volunteer Coaches to implement a creative arts curriculum that requires families to develop ideas and work collaboratively. .

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