From the United Nations Declaration on the Promotion and Respect of the Rights of People of African Descent


Towards a Declaration on the Promotion and Respect of the Rights of People of African Descent


Monday, 29 October 2018

1:15 – 2:30 p.m.

Conference Room 7

United Nations Headquarters




Michal Balcerzak

Chairperson, Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent (moderator)


Noureddine Amir

Chairperson, Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination


  1. Tendayi Achiume

Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance


Craig Mokhiber

Director, New York Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights


In order to overcome racism, xenophobia and structural discrimination faced by people of African descent and promote full respect of their human rights, the General Assembly proclaimed the International Decade for People of African Descent (2015–2024) with the theme “People of African descent: recognition, justice and development.” The General Assembly also adopted a Programme of Activities for the implementation of the Decade. Among others, it requests States to consider the elaboration of a draft United Nations Declaration on the Promotion and Full Respect of Human Rights of People of African Descent.


This event is organized by the United Nations Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent.


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Read MoreFrom the United Nations Declaration on the Promotion and Respect of the Rights of People of African Descent
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Small Business Fair & Gothamist: “Will NY City Council Finally Take Action To Save Small Businesses From Extinction?”


Tue, October 23, 2018

9:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT

Add to Calendar


Downtown Art

70 East 4th Street

New York, NY 10003


Don’t miss the opportunity to receive free business counseling from professionals in accounting, financing, legal, marketing and much more.

Free Admission With *Breakfast Provided*

To RSVP Please Register or Call 212-964-6022

No pierda la oportunidad de recibir consejería comercial gratuita de profesionales en contabilidad, finanzas, servicios legales, marketing y mucho más.

Admisión Gratuita Con *Desayuno Proporcionado*

Para RSVP Por Favor Registrate O Llama 212-964-6022

Coordinated by/Coordinado Por:

Renaissance Economic Development Corporation

East Village Community Coalition

Cooper Square Committee

East Village Independent Merchants Association

Sponsored by/Patrocinadores:

NYC Council Member Carlina Rivera

State Assembly Member Harvey Epstein

NYC Senator Brad Hoylman

NYS Senator Brian Kavanagh

Manhattan Community Board 3

Honorary Co-Host/Co-Anfitrión:

Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez


Will NY City Council Finally Take Action To Save Small Businesses From Extinction?

““Every single day we wait, we’re losing businesses. We’re losing 1,100 to 1,200 mom-and-pop businesses a month,” says Barrison. Since he got involved with the Small Business Congress in the early 1990s, he says, the group’s membership has fallen from 365,000 to 120,000.”

“The city corporation counsel said in 1988 that there was no state law prohibiting local commercial rent-protection legislation as long as landlords retained reasonable rights. In a 2009 memo opposing the bill, the Council’s general counsel wrote that that the state Court of Appeals had made it clear that “appropriately crafted legislation based upon adequate finding and addressing a major problem in the City would withstand scrutiny.”

The city’s 1945-63 commercial rent-control law was a wartime-emergency measure authorized by the state. It limited rent increases to 15 percent at first, with provisions for arbitration when the lease was renewed again. The Court of Appeals upheld it several times, holding that it did not unconstitutionally interfere with property rights and that it guaranteed landlords a fair return on their investment. However, the state legislature gradually weakened it, decontrolling vacant storefronts in 1950, and letting the law expire in 1963.

“We the city have the legal right to do it,” contends Councilmember Rodriguez.

Former Manhattan Borough President Ruth Messinger, who first introduced the bill as a Councilmember in 1986, says she doesn’t remember legal issues “as being central” to the debate.”

Read MoreSmall Business Fair & Gothamist: “Will NY City Council Finally Take Action To Save Small Businesses From Extinction?”
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Young People Are Suing the Trump Administration Over Climate Change.


“The young plaintiffs claim that the government’s actions, and inaction, in the face of global warming violate their “fundamental constitutional rights to freedom from deprivation of life, liberty, and property.” Their age is central to their argument: For older Americans, the potentially catastrophic effects of climate change are somebody else’s problem. But today’s children will be dealing with disaster within their lifetimes; the youngest of the plaintiffs, Levi Draheim, will be just 33 in 2040, the year by which a United Nations scientific panel now expects some of the biggest crises to begin.”


So…we can panic or we can get to work…Do something, get involved, build a garden or a neighborhood, enjoy ladybugs, insist that Parks Department become a model of sustainability and green practices…


Not this:

Read MoreYoung People Are Suing the Trump Administration Over Climate Change.
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Warning About Pesticides Hiding in Plant Purchases

From MKGardener Jane:

Hello new and old gardeners:

Just a reminder that it’s very important to check that anything you are planting in the garden, or feeding to birds, is not poisonous to pollinators.

“It is estimated that of the roughly 672 million birds exposed annually to pesticides on U.S. agricultural lands, 10% or 67 million are killed. Ironically it is often the same sunflower and/or other grains intended to feed backyard birds that may have been sprayed with lethal pesticides to keep pests (often including birds) at bay.”

“One in eight bird species are threatened with global extinction, and once widespread creatures such as the puffin, snowy owl and turtle dove are plummeting towards oblivion, according to the definitive study of global bird populations.”

“More than half of ostensibly bee-friendly plants sampled at 18 Home Depot, Lowe’s and Walmart garden centers in the U.S. and Canada contained high levels of neonicotinoids, which are considered highly toxic to bees, butterflies and other insect pollinators.

Even when they don’t kill pollinators outright, neonicotinoids can impair their immune systems and sense of navigation, potentially turning gardens and backyards into flowery traps.”


Read MoreWarning About Pesticides Hiding in Plant Purchases
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NYT “How a Garden for the Poor Became a Playground for the Rich”


Stanton Building Across from Sara Roosevelt Park:

“Thelma Burdick, for whom the building was named, was instrumental to the Lower East Side’s fight for affordable housing.

In the 1950s, she helped to lead a victory against Robert Moses, a legendarily powerful official in the 20th century who was the mastermind behind many of the New York area’s parks, highways and bridges.

The protesters won a commitment from the city to develop affordable housing like the Burdick.

And the building was named after her.


“Nearly six years after tenants agreed to the deal that paved the way for the hotel, they are still waiting on a playground.

“These days, 43.5 percent of New York City’s population lives below or near poverty, defined as a family of four with an income of $32,402.

The contrast between rich and poor is extreme in the yellow spots on the map below, where at least 40 percent of the families make less than $30,000 a year and at least 5 percent of the households have an annual income above $200,000….”

Read MoreNYT “How a Garden for the Poor Became a Playground for the Rich”
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Yet More Buses on Chrystie Near Canal/Hester

Added to the 70 per hour anticipated buses coming in during the L Train Shutdown.

Delancey Street corridor.

More particulates, more pollution across from 3 schools and a heavily used field.

From Community Board 3 vote sheet:

A new Bus Stop Application: “Super Bus Inc”, 51 Chrystie St

VOTE:    TITLE: Approve a Curbside Bus Stop for Super Bus Company @ 51 Chrystie St.

                WHEREAS, Super Bus, Inc. has applied for a designated bus stop for curb-side loading/unloading operations located at 51 Chrystie St, on the west side of the street between Canal St and Hester St. The buses will operate under the Super Bus brand name, providing service between New York and Monticello, NY with 5 arrivals/5 departures daily between the hours of 6:00 am to 9:00 pm. Super Bus would be approved for only one bus at a time loading/unloading; and


                WHEREAS, The bus stop is an existing 75 ft bus stop in front of 49-53 Chrystie St that would be shared with Tribal Sun Bus. That company was represented at the meeting and reported that they currently operate 14 arrivals/14 departures daily at the location, so adding a permit for Super Bus at this location would bring the total to 19 arrivals/19 departures daily; and


                WHEREAS, The bus stop is immediately adjacent to a truck loading zone at 45-47 Chrystie St designated from 8am to 7pm, Mon-Sat, which is used by existing businesses that require loading and unloading. CB 3 resolutions passed in April 2013, September 2013 and June 2017 explained serious concern about designating a 100-foot long bus stop, because it eliminated a truck loading zone from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm, Monday to Saturday, on a block that has existing businesses that require loading and unloading. In 2013, three of these businesses appeared at a CB 3 meeting to present their concerns; and


                WHEREAS, Although Super Bus, Inc. had indicated on its CB3 application that a storefront at 47 Chrystie St will be provided for the use of customers, so they may wait to board their bus and use the restroom facilities, that is not actually true. It is important that a bus company of this size – operating 10 of the 38 total arrivals and departures daily – provide a storefront with restroom for its customers. Otherwise, crowds of passengers will inevitably cause sanitation, nuisance and safety issues; and


                WHEREAS, Super Bus, Inc. has agreed to return to the November 2013 committee meeting and will try to rent a storefront before then; now


                THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that CB3-Manhattan requests that DOT extend the CB3 comment period for this Super Bus application by 30 days.


Read MoreYet More Buses on Chrystie Near Canal/Hester
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