The Elizabeth Hubbard Memorial Garden
Elizabeth’s dancing feet took her from her hometown’s Dance Theater of Harlem – to the corps de ballet at Radio City Music Hall – and to Ballet Hispanico. Along the way she danced herself into the waiting arms of her beloved husband Joe.
Later in life, her feet paused as she taught young ballerinas at Marie Wildey School of Dance. She also became the respected Co-Chair of the M’Finda Kalunga Garden and co-founder of the Roosevelt Park Community Coalition. And in this Park and Garden you would find those dancing feet walking her cherished Roo.
While we pay tribute to Elizabeth’s memory we also commit this garden to the sightless and seeing impaired in our community. We intend it to be a garden that will be truly accessible to everyone. Whether by touch or by scent or by sight: a welcoming oasis to everyone.
It is being created in the spirit that Elizabeth guided us with: she was soft-spoken but fierce in the face of wrong, she had unshakable integrity, frankness, humor, thoughtfulness, generosity and grit.
And it will take a lot of grit. It will need the care and advice of those who it seeks to serve, the sightless and their allies, as well as the steady labor of the already dedicated team of volunteers.
We dedicate The Elizabeth Hubbard Memorial Garden with love in her honor.

Beautiful day today.
Today we dedicated the front Garden to Elizabeth Hubbard. We thank everyone who came out to celebrate and honor her.
Afterwards we had a lovely Juneteenth organized and led by our very own Debra Glass. We had readings and Maya Angelou poetry and a history lesson.
We had guests from the LightHouse and VISIONS (Thank you Lee Brozgold).
We thank Gigi Li, Chair of CB3, for dedicating Elizabeth’s Memorial Garden and Bob Humber (Elizabeth Hubbard Memorial Garden Coordinator) and Kim Fong (Executive Director of the BRC Senior Center) for accepting the plaque that Parks Department generously created.
Terese Flores (Park Manager), Ismael Rivera, Helen Yanolatos, Steve Simon, Geraldine Riddick, and Commissioner Castro.
Bob Humber’s crew: James, Kate, Jose, Lanzo, Carol, Jenifer, Jin Xiu and AAFE volunteers, Citizen’s for NYC and their volunteers.
AND Ted Glass for all manner of help: Signage, Website….etc.