POSTPONED!! John V. Lindsay East River Park & Sol Lain Playground


NYC Parks and Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver, FAICP cordially invite you to help celebrate

  • The reimagined Sol Lain Playground, renovated through the Community Parks Initiative
  • groundbreaking ceremony for the renovation of the soccer field and track at John V. Lindsay East River Park 

Monday, September 25th, 2017 at 1pm and 3pm on the Lower East Side CB3

Details of Two Events:

 1:00 p.m.  Sol Lain Playground Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony

East Broadway & Henry Street -east of Samuel Dickstein Plaza


3:00 p.m.  John V. Lindsay East River Park – soccer field and track – Groundbreaking Ceremony

Enter the park via the pedestrian bridge – over the FDR Drive at East 6th Street


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Learn Gardening!

In conjunction with LUNGS Harvest Festival:

Liz Christy Garden 

Houston & Bowery

Sunday the 24th beginning at 2:00pm until 5pm

Penny Jones is a long-time, practiced, and gifted gardener. She will give three workshops – each for one hour.

2 pm – History and Fundamentals of Picturesque Gardening: Learn strategies to make your garden appear bigger

3 pm – Foliage Color Design: Examine layering of blue, green, yellow, and variegated foliage

4 pm – Know Your Tools: Handle shovels, spades, and pitchforks; learn ergonomics to save your back


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SDR Park It’s My Park Days (IMPD) and Volunteer Days Fall 2017 (Updated)



Stewarded Gardens in Sara Roosevelt Park

To work in these gardens you must to reach out to the Contact Person listed. Please be patient – we’re all volunteers and will respond as soon as we can!



New Forsyth Conservancy 

Contact: Jason Eisner

Contact information SDR Website:


M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden 

Contact: Jane Barrer or Debra Jeffreys-Glass

Contact Information MKGarden Website: 


Elizabeth (‘Betty’) Hubbard Garden

Contact: Rob Watson

Contact Information SDR Website: :


The Hort/Emma Lazarus details for Fall activities and dates TBA

Contact: Pam Ito, Director of Education The Horticultural Society

Contact Information: or SDR Website:


Hua Mei Bird Sanctuary

Contact: Tommy Chan (no volunteers needed – but donations accepted for upkeep)

Contact Info: SDR website:


Stanton Area:

Contact: Terese or K

Contact Info: SDR website:



To volunteer anywhere else in SDR Park:


Juan Torres: Park Supervisor

Contact: Juan Torres

Contact info:




Proposed or Set SDR Park Volunteer Days Fall 2017

If you’d like to volunteer please contact the person listed for the site above



October 11th (Wednesday) 2017

Volunteer Group: Citizen’s for NYC & company

Contact: K or Bob

Location: Stanton Street Area/BRC Front


October 21 (Saturday) 2017 10am-2pm

Volunteer Group: It’s My Park Day:

Contact: K

Location: Stanton Street Area


October 21, 2017 12pm- 4pm

Volunteer Group: It’s My Park Day, M’Finda Gardeners:

Contact: Jane

Location: M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden


TBA 2017

Volunteer Group: New Forsyth Conservancy Gardners:

Contact: Jason

Location: New Forsyth Conservancy (on Delancey Street – south)


November 11, 2017

Volunteer Group: New Yorkers for Parks

Contact: K

Location: TBA


IMPORTANT: From Sara D Roosevelt Park Manager:


– Please check for poison ivy


– Please check for used needles. Do not remove them yourself (we are working with local providers on this issue)


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Rally: Stop Funding Climate Change!

From 350NYC:

Wednesday, September 20, 2017 @ 8:30 AM – 9:30AM

NYC Municipal Building,1, Centre Street, NY 10007

#FossilFreeNYC #DivestNY

In this era of catastrophic hurricanes, floods and forest fires, the New York City Retirement Systems continue to pump billions of dollars into the rogue fossil fuel industries that are destroying the planet in pursuit of profits.

This has to stop! Join us for a rally and leafleting action before the quarterly meeting of all five New York City Retirement systems to send a message that Divesting from Fossil Fuels Now is the only responsible thing to do to protect the city’s retirement funds.

The Common Investment Meeting (CIM) is a quarterly meeting of all five New York City Retirement Systems at which the Systems’ performance is reported and decisions about investments and initiatives are made. They need to hear loud and clear that investing in fossil fuels is no longer an acceptable option.

Heed the Warnings, Stop the Floods



NYC Climate Light Brigade – Light up the skyline!

Sunday, September 24, 2017 @ 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

Pier 4 Beach Brooklyn Bridge Park

214 Furman St, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Can you help us light up the NY skyline with messages of resistance and climate action? We are organizing a Light Brigade to send a message to the NYC Comptroller Stringer to divest from destructive fossil fuel companies. More than $3 billion of public money is invested in the likes of Exxon, Chevron, BP and Enbridge.

As we approach the 5th anniversary of Superstorm Sandy and watch with horror the destruction caused by Hurricanes Irma and Harvey, now, more than ever, we need New York City to be a climate leader. But NYC can’t do that if it continues to invest in climate destroyers. We need 30 people to come out and hold brightly lit signs produced by the NYC Light Brigade.

It’ll be a fun, creative way of sending a serious message to NYC pension fund trustees which are meeting on Sept 20. Kid Friendly! And you’ll be helping to create dramatic and lasting images that’ll be used often in the lead up to a big march at the end of October.

It’s time to #DivestNY!

PLEASE NOTE: MEET ON THE BEACH See Map: Brooklyn Bridge Beach between Pier 5 and Pier 4. There is a street entrance on Montague St which is off of Furman. Clark Street is the closest subway stop. RSVP by emailing us at and include your phone number. Feel free to recruit friends!

Save the Date!


We Remember. We Resist. We Rise.

Five years ago, Superstorm Sandy flooded our subways, destroyed our homes, and took loved ones from us. Like in Florida and Texas, the people hit hardest by Sandy were the poor, people of color, immigrants, and our already most vulnerable communities.

New York’s elected officials must protect us from the impacts of climate change and lead a just transition to a renewable energy economy. We cannot wait any longer. On October 28th, we will assemble and march over the Brooklyn Bridge, and then rally at the Smith NYCHA Houses in Manhattan.

On October 28th, let’s march to demand a better future. Communities across the city will remember, resist, and rise together. #Sandy5   RSVP here:

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Progress on Stanton Buildings Repurposing & Concerted Efforts on Safety


Parks Department’s Castro and Borough President Brewer and Council Member Chin are marshaling their resources to find an alternative storage site and to remove the container and repurpose the building to positive and active use.

Borough President Brewer is looking for sites throughout Manhattan (this holds storage for all of Manhattan parks) – she is awaiting Parks response to her question about what capacity is needed to replace the current facility.

Parks Department has strongly clarified their desire to move storage out of the building and recapture it for more park-like and community use and to remove the container that sits alongside the building (which the police would like out as well). And Council Member Chin and MBP Brewer are using their offices to move us forward.

Everyone wants the container out. It creates areas that become hiding places for negative use.

Bad news:

Uptick in drug dealing and aggressive behavior in the park.

If you feel endangered or see something dangerous please call 911.

If you see something that is simply a problem or have a complaint call 311.

Good news:

Several meetings across agencies and providers and police have taken place. Everyone understands the situation in SDR Park requires us to take more active steps.

The 5th Precinct, Parks Enforcement and Homeless Outreach workers are coordinating their efforts on a daily basis to ensure the safety of park-goers.

The Commissioner for Manhattan Parks Department Castro is actively involved.



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From Neighbors to Save Rivington House: Successes Thus Far

“It always seems impossible until it’s done” – Nelson Mandela

– On December 2014 we were told it was over. It’s September 2017 and Rivington House is not occupied by luxury owners.

– MFY is suing for the FOIL release of documents from the NY State Department of Health in the case of Rivington House and CABS.

– The AG is persisting in their refusal to allow The Allure Group who flipped Rivington House to buy two other nursing homes. One that houses former occupants of Rivington House.

– Pike Street will be a site for assisted living for seniors (we still need nursing homes but this is a positive outcome).

– Transparency requirements enacted for deed restriction removals City-wide (thanks CM Chin and MBP Brewer).

– Our electeds (Brewer, Chin, Squadron, Niou) have followed our communities request to fight alongside us for RH – They have stood with us. We won’t agree on everything – but we knew this was a cause we collectively wouldn’t give up on.

– Community board 3 passed every necessary resolution on behalf of this struggle.

– Added to exposure for the need of a funded and independent (from politics and the nursing home industry) NYState watchdog role for the nursing home industry.

– We held a forum on Health Care on the future use of Rivington House. Imagining a future with a continuum of care with options to move in and out of care as needed. Building a community hub of active, desegregated care for everyone.

– We built a coalition of groups and individuals who made us smarter on senior right, disability rights, care providers and receivers and building a caring society that works for everyone.

– We helped keep RH alive in the media with the help of the free press.

– We were among this years recipients of the LES Hero Awards.

– We helped expose corruption and/or incompetence in city and state agencies. Five Investigations transpired from City to State to Federal.

– We added our voice to other worthy struggles such as the return of Charos.

– We have a promise made at the Town Hall by the Mayor for an invitation to a meeting with the buyers of Rivington House asked for and planned by Council Member Chin.

– We modeled the refusal to turn our backs on our neighbors and a stand against the enormous wealth, power and influence in our city.

– We asked a Garden Group who hired the Capalino lobbyists firm not to use Rivington House as the backdrop for an unrelated cause (Capalino played a pivotal role in Rivington House’s ultimate sale to luxury developers). It was an affront to the people here who lost their homes.

We will not give up this fight: win, lose or draw.


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From University Settlement In Defense of DACA

From Eric Weingartner, Chief Executive Officer University Settlement:

“This is one email I wish I didn’t have to send, but political events make it unavoidable.

Today, President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions jeopardized the futures of 800,000 young immigrants, known as Dreamers, when they rescinded Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). This generation of Dreamers, who would have been our future doctors and lawyers, teachers and policemen, neighbors and friends, will be lost if this injustice is allowed to stand.

It’s unjust because Dreamers were brought to the United States when they were very young and have only ever known one home. They have done everything that was asked of them – go to school, stay out of trouble, work hard – and yet our country’s promise to them has been broken. 

DACA may be a federal program, but the real action is in neighborhoods throughout New York City and across the country where University Settlement and other nonprofits work in the trenches and fight for these young immigrants.  We know them and we know their stories. We know that Dreamers are United States citizens by every meaningful measure.

Let me tell you about Tomas, one of the young people who has benefited from DACA. He was born in Mexico but moved to the United States when he was a small child. Although he was undocumented and very poor, he graduated from college and dreamed of working in a fine arts museum. But because DACA didn’t exist at that time and he didn’t have a work permit, the only job available to him was working in his father’s fencing company. His life changed when he received a work permit through DACA. Today, he’s employed at a major art museum. His hard-won success is in peril because there is a strong possibility that he will lose his job, and he will certainly be at grave risk of deportation to Mexico.

Tomas, who is a hardworking, tax-paying American, is now vulnerable, just like hundreds of thousands of young people across the nation. 

I promise you that all of us at University Settlement will never stop fighting for these young people. Our exceptional team will do everything in their power to protect our participants, and convince Congress that it must right this wrong.

We’ll keep you posted through social media and emails of our progress and approach over the coming days and weeks.  Thank you for being our partners in this fight. Your support gives us strength.”

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