The best kept secret in the Sara Roosevelt Park:
“Every year about this time, we pull the turtles out of the pond and move them indoors for the winter. It’s one of our small garden events of interest to children and adults alike and is actually a bit dramatic. We net the fish into tubs temporarily and pump most of the water out of the pond. Someone climbs down into the bottom of the pond and searches around in the muck for reluctant turtles, then passes them up to into tubs that we take to their winter quarters in the basement of my building.
Neither Richard, our turtle guru, nor I are spry enough to do it this year. Or more correctly, to climb back out. So I’m looking for a volunteer willing to get wet up to the knees and wallow around in the muck, and who will enjoy handling turtles. We’re expecting to find 20 turtles of all sizes, Cooters, Red Bellied Sliders, Yellow Bellied Cooters and 3 small Painted turtles. Let me know if you’re interested.
We’ll start around noon on Saturday, Oct. 23.”