Seantor Squadron on Parks Equity –

We appreciate Senator Squadron’s ongoing commitment to establishing and then ensuring equity in our parks. Our public parks are “The Commons” where the entire city meets.


“…local parks in some of the wealthiest parts of the city are doing very well.. .. the disinvestment in the parks system of the past years has not registered with many … Our marquee parks are doing better than ever, but we cannot let most parks fall behind while others thrive.

…we started the focus on parks equity nearly two years ago, it was clear that there was a limited understanding, and scant data, about the significant role conservancies play in our parks system. This bill would provide important information by requiring the Department of Parks & Recreation to gather regular information from conservancies that have contracts with the City on their total expenditures for maintenance and operation of their respective parks.

Beyond … transparency, Intro 384-A would also force stakeholders to truly understand the costs, and stark realities of government disinvestment, of current park operation. …

… Significant public dissemination and discussion of the information is critical, so it serves the goal of allowing the public, elected officials, parks advocates, and the conservancies themselves, to understand the impact different conservancies have, identify who is doing more with less, and help point to the most efficient and effective ways to improve parks throughout the system — those with conservancies and without…”

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