Sara D. Roosevelt Park Reconstruction btwn Grand Street and Delancey Street

Thanks all who met and wrangled and made this a better design.

Sara D. Roosevelt Park Reconstruction CB3 Approval

Located between Grand Street and Delancey Street in the Borough of Manhattan.

Community Board 3 is grateful for the efforts of multiple public funding sources obtained for this project (including from DOT to improve street/pedestrian safety):

Former CM Margaret Chin $15,000,000 ($15Million);

DOT – $15,100,000;

NYS Governor Hochul DRI funding (The Alliance’s application) – $3.285,000;

Former/current mayors $1,785,000;

Total 35,240,000  (according to Parks) to renovate Sara Roosevelt Park from Grand to Delancey;

Project Size: 3.2 acres

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