From Justen Ladda Volunteer extraordinaire of the Allen/Pike Mall.

“The benches on Allen Street are failing again.”
He had written to us about this a year or two ago.
“The design of the wooden slats is wrong and it will fail again and again, these benches will never work. The slats were replaced a year or two ago and will have to be replaced again soon. And again and again.”
“I think the benches should be replaced, ideally with the World’s Fair benches that were there originally, they’re strong, comfortable and good looking.
Allen Street Planting
Last fall Justen planted 750(!) tulip bulbs between Delancey and Broome streets hoping to make the park look like a Dutch tulip field.
“I was thrilled when a few weeks ago, the tulips starting to poke through the mulch, hundreds of them. Then a few days later I almost had a heart attack when I saw every last one had been taken out, leaving just little holes in the ground. Thankfully there were a few dozens that hadn’t yet poked through the mulch and came up later.”

Thank you to Justen for his tireless efforts to beautify this part of NYC and the Allen/Pike malls in particular.