Eugene Leff Dies: Earth Hero Whose Efforts Spurred the Creation of the SuperFund Clean Up Program

From the NYTimes:

“Eugene Leff… reached a record settlement for New York State with a chemical company accused of burying toxic waste at Love Canal, the Niagara Falls neighborhood whose contamination became a symbol of environmental disaster…

Cindy Schultz/Albany Times Union

“Besides arguing the Love Canal case he pursued litigation to remove PCBs..”

As an assistant state attorney general and New York’s lead lawyer in the case, Mr. Leff successfully concluded a 14-year lawsuit in which the former owners of a dumpsite at Love Canal agreed in 1994 to pay $98 million and to assume cleanup costs and other expenses that would eventually amount to millions of dollars more.

….bubbling up into the basements of houses that had been built on the site, a 16-acre former landfill…. Balls of caustic residue were observed burning on the ground after rising to the surface.

The Love Canal case spurred Congress to create the federal Superfund cleanup program. The New York settlement remains the state’s largest for a hazardous-waste case.”

Thank you on behalf of the planet and the rest of us.

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Cuomo Ban on Plastic Bags: Follow NYC Lead Here. We Had a Better Solution

From NY Daily News:

“…There are two ways to do this intelligently: By banning plastic bags and putting a fee on paper, or by putting a fee on all disposable bags. Cuomo is pressing ahead with a third way, that’s likelier to produce negative side effects…

“…the Cuomo-ordered task force came back with its report in January. It says that plastic bag bans — exactly what Cuomo now proposes — backfired in San Jose, Chicago and Honolulu, as merchants just switched to using slightly heavier “reusable” plastics or relied more on paper bags“…

…Marcia Bystryn, president of the New York League of Conservation Voters, dissented from the task force report because it neither backed a universal fee like the city tried or combined a thin-plastic-bag ban with a fee on other bags, like California has now sensibly adopted.”

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Alternative Energy News: Offshore leases part of U.S. energy push

From TimesUnion:

“President Donald Trump has courted coal miners and cast doubt on whether fossil fuels contribute to climate change, but that hasn’t translated into hostility for renewable energy — particularly offshore wind.

Using federal offshore leases, wind power projects along the East Coast, including off the shores of Massachusetts, New Jersey, Connecticut, Virginia and New York, are pressing ahead with the goal of transforming the electric grid and providing energy to power millions of homes…”


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“Our parks are for people, not cars”- Mayor Bill de Blasio.

“We are prioritizing the safety and the health of the millions of parents, children and visitors who flock to Central Park



Congratulations! We agree!

And we don’t think this little girl should have to play in a park between trucks and cars either

We expect the same care from NYC as Central ParkConservancy and Prospect Park require.

We would like that courtesy for this low-income park too. Cars and trucks park here at all hours, taking up valuable park space in this narrow park frequented by children, 8 schools that line the park, Citi bike stands, soccer players, basketball players, people who live in tenements, the homeless, luxury hotel guests, the hungry, elders who receive services here, day camps, the blind, gardeners of 10 stewarded park gardens, Parks staff who commute by train, bikers, deaf housing residents, NYCHA residents, Mitchell Lama housing residents, loft dwellers, renters of all kinds, owners of condos, handball players, shower spray visitors, children in 3 playgrounds, ping pong players…etc…

so…can we change this…



to this?

We’ve mentioned this when Prospect Park got its cars removed (with photos of cars/trucks parked in SDR Park)

and here. (with photos of cars/trucks parked in SDR Park)


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2 Articles – Why We Need Community Run Spaces in Partnership with Government


From NYT: SCIENTIST AT WORK  Felton Earls; Theory Analyzes Crime As Science, Neighbor by Neighbor

by Dan Hurley 2004

photo by Rick Friedman NYT 

“Dr. Felton Earls was on the street, looking for something at ground level that would help explain his theories about the roots of crime. He found it across from a South Side housing project, in a community garden of frost-wilted kale and tomatoes…

Please respect our efforts

…Dr. Earls and his colleagues argue that the most important influence on a neighborhood’s crime rate is neighbors’ willingness to act, when needed, for one another’s benefit, and particularly for the benefit of one another’s children. And they present compelling evidence to back up their argument.

…His research is, in essence, about the health of communities, not just about crime. ”I am concerned about crime,” he said, ”but my background is in public health. We look at kids growing up in neighborhoods across a much wider range than just crime: drug use, school performance, birth weights, asthma, sexual behavior.”

His study…challenged an immensely populartheory about the roots of crime. ”Broken windows,” as it is known, holds that physical and social disorder in a neighborhood lead to increased crime, that if one broken window or aggressive squeegee man is allowed to remain in a neighborhood, bigger acts of disorderly behavior will follow…

In a landmark 1997 paper that he wrote with colleagues in the journal Science, and in a subsequent study in The American Journal of Sociology, Dr. Earls reported that most major crimes were linked to two.. neighborhood variables: concentrated poverty and … collective efficacy.

The point of intervention is not to clean up the neighborhood, but to work on its collective efficacy. If you organized a community meeting in a local church or school, it’s a chance for people to meet and solve problems.

”If one of the ideas that comes out of the meeting is for them to clean up the graffiti in the neighborhood, the benefit will be much longer lasting, and will probably impact the development of kids in that area. But it would be based on this community action — not on a work crew coming in from the outside.”

…As for policy implications, Dr. Earls said that rather than focusing on arresting squeegee men and graffiti scrawlers, local governments should support the development of cooperative efforts in low-income neighborhoods by encouraging neighbors to meet and work together. Indeed, cities that sow community gardens, he said, may reap a harvest of not only kale and tomatoes, but safer neighborhoods and healthier children.”



Noah Atchison April 20, 2018

Community Organizations Have Important Role in Lowering Crime Rates

“Research shows that in a city of 100,000, each new nonprofit community organization lead to a 1.2 percent drop in the homicide rate, a 1 percent reduction in the violent crime rate, and a 0.7 percent reduction in the property crime rate.”…

….Federal legislation such as the Reverse Mass Incarceration Act would provide resources to states to pursue creative approaches to helping communities bring down crime, while bills like the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act would help fix our misguided use of overly-harsh punishments to reduce crime. While more research is needed to improve our public response to crime, supporting the community organizations that helped drive the crime decline is an excellent place to start.” Read more here.

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