Parks Audit by NYC Comptroller Stringer

From Craine’s NY

“Many Department of Parks and Recreation construction projects run behind schedule and over budget, according to a recent audit from city Comptroller Scott Stringer.

The audit looked at 69 capital projects worth $317 million during fiscal years 2014 and 2015, including a pool, a bikeway and even the Trump golf course in the Bronx, and found that nearly 40% were behind schedule. The delays added $5 million to the total cost, which the audit noted was 35% more than the budgeted management fees.

The trouble stems from the department’s inadequate oversight of the private construction management firms that undertake the public works projects, according to the audit, which issued a number of recommendations to improve the process. “

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Parks Enforcement Police (PEP) Captain Sanchez reassigned from Sara Roosevelt Park


Dear Captain Sanchez:

We can’t convey how sorry we are to hear this.

Thank you for your service.

It takes a while and it takes experience to get to know a community and to be trusted by it – we are not always the easiest place to work.

We’ve seen your caring for this place and for our community far beyond the job ‘requirement’. 

In these times of so much targeting of the most helpless – you seemed to be able to remain human, yet intelligently firm, in the role.

We hope whoever replaces you can fill your shoes. It will be a tall order for them.

Please stay in touch.

And please accept these ‘flowers’ on behalf of our amazing Park that you have worked hard to protect all these years.

Again, our thanks. 


– The Sara Roosevelt Park Community Coalition


Read MoreParks Enforcement Police (PEP) Captain Sanchez reassigned from Sara Roosevelt Park
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Rescheduled: “Its My Park Day” for Saturday, September 8th 2018

Dear Neighbors and Friends –

Tomorrow’s predicted rain showers have convinced us that we need to reschedule ‘It’s Our Park Day” for a time when it can really be the community event we all want to see happen.  After comparing schedules with our partners, it became clear that the best plan was to re-organize for Saturday, September 8th.  

In the meantime, we will continue to support residents in their efforts to address multiple issues in SDR park and, most particularly, advocate for the re-opening of the Stanton building for community programs.  Transforming the boarded up building into an active, engaging space is critical to making the surrounding park space a healthy, supportive and welcoming environment for all.

More to come!

for Sara D Roosevelt Park Coalition, University Settlement, Green May Systems, and Fourth Arts Block (FABnyc).

on the plus side…the flowers could use the rain…

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RESCHEDULED: Now Sept 8th 2018 “Its Our Park Day” at Stanton in Sara Roosevelt Park

Dear Neighbors and Friends:

Tomorrow’s predicted rain showers have convinced us that we need to reschedule ‘It’s Our Park Day” for a time when it can really be the community event we all want to see happen.  After comparing schedules with our partners, it became clear that the best plan was to re-organize for Saturday, September 8th.  

In the meantime, we will continue to support residents in their efforts to address multiple issues in SDR park and, most particularly, advocate for the re-opening of the Stanton building for community programs.  Transforming the boarded up building into an active, engaging space is critical to making the surrounding park space a healthy, supportive and welcoming environment for all.

More to come!

for Sara D Roosevelt Park Coalition, University Settlement, Green May Systems, and Fourth Arts Block (FABnyc).

Read MoreRESCHEDULED: Now Sept 8th 2018 “Its Our Park Day” at Stanton in Sara Roosevelt Park
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Annual Homeless Count in New York City Shows 6% Decrease


“Unsheltered homeless people, like homeless people in shelters, will be more likely to move into housing if it’s in a location or neighborhood to which they are connected.”


From Politico:

“There were 3,675 people homeless and unsheltered on the streets of New York City during a single night in 2018 — a 6 percent decrease from the year prior, according to the …. Homeless Outreach Population Estimate…

….While the number represents progress, it is still 16% higher than the same count in 2013…Homeless care providers and the Department of Social Services said the estimate reflects what they are seeing on the ground, and both agreed that while there are more shelter beds for the homeless, there need to be more in the right locations to continue to move people off of the streets and into shelter and permanent housing….”

….The city is planning to add another 440 shelter beds for the homeless in the next two years and, as part of the 2019 budget, de Blasio and the City Council added $100 million to speed up the supportive housing plan.

…Having placed so many people but seeing a relatively small decline in the unsheltered homeless population means that there are also many people becoming homeless and living unsheltered….”

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