New Finished Oval at Canal & Hester! And…Parks Dept. Link to Obtain Needed Permits for Use of Fields & Courts

Credit Parks Department for the Repair of the Oval, done in-house, faster, less expensive. It looks beautiful.

Field Permits link to Parks Department Website for use of Sara D. Roosevelt Park Athletic Fields and Courts

How to Reserve an Athletic Field or Court

Organized leagues or special events need a permit to use an athletic field or court. For people under 18, the permit is free. For those 18 and over, a fee is required.

To reserve space, please see Parks Department  Athletic Permits and Applications page.

View Basketball Courts for ALL NYC Parks

Read MoreNew Finished Oval at Canal & Hester! And…Parks Dept. Link to Obtain Needed Permits for Use of Fields & Courts
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An Army of Pruners from Forestry of Park’s Department Arrive to Take Down Dead Branches!

Thank you to the team from Forestry and to Park’s Department’s Administrative Parks & Recreation Manager Mark Vaccaro, Park Manager Elizabeth Martinez and Chief of Staff to the Manhattan Borough Commissioner Steve Simon.

And to all the 311 callers!

For making our Park a lot safer to be in!

A much better scene than earlier this week:

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A Bill Introduced in City Council Would Require GreenRoofs, Solar Power, Wind Turbines

From NYTimes:

The goal: to lower our energy output.

“Right now, the big conversation is around what we can do to combat climate change, and now more than ever, when the federal government is rolling back all the progress we’ve made to reduce our carbon footprint in the country, we have to step up,” Councilman Rafael L. Espinal Jr. of Brooklyn, the bill’s lead sponsor, said in an interview.

“We have to look at the infrastructure improvements we can make here to ensure we’re doing our part in reducing our carbon footprint and cooling our city down.”

Today’s measure would apply to commercial buildings like offices, industrial spaces, manufacturing facilities and storage units; two separate bills, introduced last session by Councilmen Stephen Levin of Brooklyn and Donovan Richards Jr. of Queens, would cover residential homes and community sites like schools, libraries, post offices and medical centers.”



From NYC Parks Green Roof 

A project of NYC Parks’ Five Borough
Citywide Operations and Technical Services division

August 2013

A living laboratory for innovative green roof design

“From In May of 2010, Columbia University students helped install a 400 square foot 8” Gaia Soil system for research purposes. Filled with native plants and grasses (American Dittany, Blackeyed Susan, Wavy Hair grass, Globe Flatsedge, Virginia Wild Rye, Slender Goldentop and Switchgrass), this bed started out thin with plant material and has since become densely flourished. Similar systems exist on the tops of ten NYC Parks recreation facilities and are being studied comparatively by Columbia University. This system weighs about 16 pounds per square foot and costs about $10 per square foot.”

“During April and May of 2010, a 4000 square foot vegetable/herb farm was installed on top of 5 Borough in the form of ten 50′ x 6′ wide planting beds. This system has an average depth of 7.5” and its growth medium is composed of 1/3 mineral soil, 1/3 perlite and 1/3 compost/manure. The vegetables were planted 12 inches on center, and include tomatoes, peppers, muskmelons, squash, pumpkins, cabbage, corn, spinach, eggplant and herbs. A bounty of vegetables and herbs have been grown over the last few growing seasons and donated to a local soup kitchen. The average weight is 18 pounds per square foot at a cost of $15 per square foot.”

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New Forsyth Conservancy Strikes Again!

From The New Forsyth Conservancy:


“The great Reformers of the Progressive Era agitated for greenspaces in tenement districts because they asserted that people need parks. Turns out the opposite is true too- parks need people (not only to chillax in, but to help maintain).

Last week our humble Tenement band got to work rehabilitating some historic gates in the plots of Sara D Roosevelt Park that we steward.

Look only on what a couple hours of dedicated work can do, and think about how much more we could accomplish with a larger group of volunteers!”

Sarah will meet non-Tenement Museum staffers at the SDR Park in plots just south of Delancey Street!

Speaking of the positive effect of grass roots activism and fearlessness:

“… history is not an army. It is a crab scuttling sideways, a drip of soft water wearing away stone, an earthquake breaking centuries of tension. Sometimes one person inspires a movement, or her words do decades later; sometimes a few passionate people change the world; sometimes they start a mass movement and millions do; sometimes those millions are stirred by the same outrage or the same ideal and change comes upon us like a change of weather. All that these transformations have in common is that they begin in the imagination, in hope. To hope is to gamble. It’s to bet on the future, on your desires, on the possibility that an open heart and uncertainty is better than gloom and safety. To hope is dangerous, and yet it is the opposite of fear, for to live is to risk.”

-Rebecca Solnit

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Children’s Magical Garden – Important Favorable Court Ruling

From BoweryBoogie:

Magic Moment: Appeals Court Favors Children’s Magical Garden in Adverse Possession Claim

“The Appellate Court in the ongoing case – which pit the garden corporation against former landlord Serge Hoyda and current owner Horizon Group – has sided with the former regarding defendants’ motion to dismiss the “Adverse Possession” argument. It was on appeal from the prior judgement. It’s a major step forward for the Children’s Magical Garden in the drive to own all its land. “An extremely rare occurrence,” in the words of the judge, of “prime” real estate on the Lower East Side.”

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Shakespeare in the Parking Lot Saved – Though Not for SDR Park Goers!

From Bedford & Bowery:

“…Hamilton Clancy, artistic director of the non-profit that runs Shakespeare in the Parking Lot, bemoaned the potential loss of their performance space at the parking lot managed by the Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural and Educational Center. His efforts to find a second home for the theater company in Sara D. Roosevelt Park had been met with bureaucratic red tape. All hope seemed to be lost.

“…K Webster– president of the Sara D. Roosevelt Coalition, which has tried to bolster community use of the park– heard Clancy speak at the community board meeting and volunteered to assist with outreach to the department. Of Clancy’s efforts to secure space in the park, Webster said, “What ensued was a bureaucratic dance that took too much time – especially since it had to happen quickly to get the performance up and running in the park…”

…Council Member Margaret Chin’s office also offered support to Clancy in his outreach with the department. Clancy told Bedford + Bowery that executive leadership of the Clemente—including Tim Laughlin as chair of the Clemente’s board of directors and Baltsar Beckeld as interim executive director of the Clemente—were responsible for bridging the impasse between the two parties.”


In the meantime, the company promised to try to come next year. Park’s Department willing.

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Zinn Education Project: Environmental Education Activities


The Big Red Dot of Environmental Racism

Teaching Activity. By Alma Anderson McDonald.
A teacher looks back on her childhood to discover the meaning of environmental racism. Linda Christensen offers ways to teach about this story with students.

Time Periods: 21st Century, 2001 – Present
Themes: African American, Economics, Environment & Food, Racism & Racial Identity

Teaching Blockadia: How the Movement Against Fossil Fuels Is Changing the World

Teaching Activity By Bill Bigelow, Adam Sanchez, and Tim Swinehart.
A role-play activity engages students in building solidarity among different groups and organizations fighting fossil fuels and searching for alternatives.

Time Periods: 21st Century, 2001 – Present
Themes: Environment & Food, Organizing
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