Downtown Art, FABnyc and the M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden Celebrate: Juneteenth



LES Black & Red 
by Dennis RedMoon Darkeem

a new installation celebrating Black and Indigenous histories of the Lower East Side

Free and Open to the Public

Opening: Saturday June 19th
at M’Finda Kalunga Garden’s annual Juneteenth Celebration

Rivington Street at Chrystie

includes a libation and procession to honor the unmarked Second African Burial Ground


Schedule:  all are invited to wear white!

11:45am Gathering at M’Finda Kalunga Garden

12pm Libation and procession Opening of Dennis Redmoon Darkeem Exhibition honoring African American and Indigenous LES History 

12:40     Performance by Sky Manna Band

1:00       M’Finda Kalunga Garden’s Juneteenth celebration!

1:00 and 2:00 performances by Bobby Bryan

1:30 readings and history by community members ongoing: participate in community Art projects

a Downtown Art and FABnycproject, with support from the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs and the NY City Council

Beyond Symbol: Culture + Reparations
Wednesday, June 16 4pm
Free, online. Register
Guest: Anusha Venkataraman, Executive Director, Racial Justice Commission, City of New York
Co-hosts: Catherine M’bali Green-Johnson, Ryan Gilliam, Amy Andrieux, Jordana De La Cruz, Ayesha Williams & Kemi Ilesanmi
Join FABnyc as they explore how a reparations process can take root in













Read MoreDowntown Art, FABnyc and the M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden Celebrate: Juneteenth
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New Yorkers for Parks Event on a Project Proposed for the East River: A Floating Pool

Thursday, June 10th
4 – 5pm
“Urban planner and author Ann L. Buttenwieser will be in conversation with author and professor Emily Raboteau to look back at The Floating Pool Lady project – and forward to future possibilities in an evolving world of public health and racial justice developments. They’ll hold their talk via Zoom Webinar, and will field questions from the audience.”
Read MoreNew Yorkers for Parks Event on a Project Proposed for the East River: A Floating Pool
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Honoring Community Leaders in Celebration of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month!


Intrepid and long time gardener in M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden and Sara Roosevelt Park, Pam Ito of The Hort is being honored tomorrow.

From Council Member Chin:
“Tomorrow evening at 6:00 PM our event honoring community leaders in celebration of Asian American Pacific Islander heritage month!”


Link to Register

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Betty Hubbard Garden Gets a New Cherry Tree

Thanks to Rhonda from Roni Sue’s Chocolates (the BEST Chocolates!) reaching out to the SDR Coalition with her friend Dani’s offer of plants and a cherry tree we now have new plantings and plantings have a new more public life!

Thank you Rob, Chao, Erika and Jasmine for schlepping!

*Remember there is a very big fine for taking plants from a public park.

It has long been against the rules to collect or destroy plants in the city’s parks, with potential fines of $250


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TODAY Saturday May 22nd It’s My Park Day – M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden

M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden:

This Saturday (5/22) from noon to 4pm with the help of Partnership for Parks, we will be hosting It’s My Park Day!

On this day, we come together to celebrate our park and work together. Partnership for parks is donating mulch, plants, and bench paint. Now, we need your help!

Come by anytime to help with: 

  • Weeding the paths between plots
  • Spreading mulch on the paths between plots
  • Trash pick-up
  • Bench painting
  • Composting

Bob, Nora, and Jasmine will be around to supervise and assist volunteers. If you don’t know what to do – look for one of them.

In addition, Penny will be giving a compost demonstration.

I would also love it if you could send me photos to post on our social media and/or to send to Partnership to thank them for their donations.

Thanks in advance!


MK Garden Co-Chair


Read MoreTODAY Saturday May 22nd It’s My Park Day – M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden
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Candidate Forum for City Council District 1 – on June 3, 2021

University Settlement, Henry Street, Hamilton Madison, Manny Cantor,

Chinese American Planning Council, Grand Street Settlement:


LES Settlement Houses Community Education Events on Voting


Candidate Forum



Thursday, June 3 from 6:15-8 – City Council District 1 candidate forum (virtual on Zoom; free)

  •     Come meet candidates for the City Council 1st District seat and hear about their vision for the LES.
  • Join us at 6:15 for a Ranked Choice Voting demonstration. The Forum starts at 6:30.
  •     There will be simultaneous translation in Mandarin, Cantonese, & Spanish.
  •     Register & suggest questions here:

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Tree Peony


“Announcing the Dates for The 10th Annual LUNGS Harvest Arts Festival.
For 2021 – finally being able to come together – for 10 years of LUNGS Festival we will present 10 days of arts, beginning Friday, September 24, ending Sunday, October 3.
We look forward to working with the entire community to make this the best festival ever; let’s coordinate and communicate early.
Mark your calendars and begin planning your garden events. Artists, musicians, theater people wishing to participate are encouraged to contact:
LUNGS CSA and our SYEP program will both begin in early July. Watch this space for further details.
LUNGS Board Elections will be held in June, each board member represents one garden. The elections are open to all interested gardeners, currently the board has 11 members, contact: info”
GREENTHUMB’S Open Garden Day is Saturday, June 5.
As part of Open Garden Day, LUNGS is putting together an Art around the Hood Event in which we will supply canvases to hang on garden fences and artists are encouraged to bring their own paints and brushes and paint their pants off. Contact to sign up!
GreenThumb signup info:
Open Garden Day 2021 – Sign up to Participate!
Saturday, June 5, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
We are seeking community gardens across the city that want to participate in our fourth annual Open Garden Day NYC. During this day, gardens open their gates on the same day to invite the general public to explore these local jewels. This year we are celebrating Open Garden Day NYC on Saturday, June 5th (World Environment Day) from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (rain or shine).
If you would like to participate, please fill out the form at Open Garden Day event submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis until May 26th. 
Opioid Overdose Prevention Program Outreach
The Center of Recovery & Wellness located at 25-29 Avenue D, a recognized Opioid Overdose Prevention site through the New York State and under DOHMH, is offering a free program to specifically educate and train people about opioid overdose and distributing Naloxone throughout our community. Anyone over the age of 18 years old can be trained and receive a Naloxone kit free of charge and can be used if a person is in a position of saving a life of someone who has overdosed.
If your garden would like more information and to schedule an educational event contact Sela Grabiner
And Check Out
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