Spotted Lanternfly Infestation

Spotted lanternfly adult (Lycorma delicatula) next to a standard 12-inch ruler

Spotted lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula–SLF) is an invasive planthopper, first discovered in New York City in July 2020. While it can infest trees, it is not considered a widespread threat to our city’s forests. However, it is a significant threat to a wide range of agricultural crops including walnut, grapes, hops, apples, blueberries, and stone fruits. The Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is its preferred host tree and is required for its reproduction. SLF has the potential of damaging natural areas and becoming a nuisance in landscapes.

What does a spotted lanternfly infestation look like?

The spotted lanternfly does not typically kill trees, it infests. Although it can weaken a tree’s natural defenses (making it vulnerable to other pests and diseases), spotted lanternflies are mostly a threat to agricultural crops.

You can identify an infestation by looking for:

  • Inch-long, putty-like egg masses that may crack throughout the winter
  • Dense clusters of the insects on tree trunks and branches
  • Sticky “honeydew” with a distinct odor, which is excreted by the insects and may be covered in black “sooty” mold
* Click on image to view larger

Spotted lanternfly egg masses. Uncovered (top) and covered (bottom)Spotted lanternfly egg masses. Uncovered (top) and covered (bottom)

* Click on image to view larger

Spotted lanternfly infestationSpotted lanternfly infestation

What is NYC Parks Doing About Spotted Lanternflies?

  • Caring for infested trees will follow Parks’ Tree Risk Management program — pruning and removing trees as they pose a risk to the public.
  • Parks is participating in an interagency work group with federal, state, and local agencies to coordinate surveying and treatment approaches.
  • Parks is not currently considering widespread treatment due to uncertainty of the success of chemical treatments and the prohibitive cost; however, we may treat limited high-value trees at risk of infection if it is deemed necessary.

How You Can Help

  • Harming our city’s wildlife is prohibited, but in an effort to slow the spread of this troublesome species, we are putting out a one-time call: if you see a spotted lanternfly, please squish and dispose of this invasive pest.
  • You can help prevent the spread of spotted lanternflies by refraining from moving firewood, outdoor furniture, and other outdoor items that may contain SLF egg masses.
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Juneteenth 2022

Juneteenth was held this past beautiful Sunday, as almost every year since 2004, organized and MC’d by Debra Jeffreys Glass. Sunlight danced through the leaves overhead to the music of Bobby Bryan and his group. Food was donated by Sweet Chick on Ludlow Street. Poetry and readings were presented by Eddie, Asher, Jane, Ryan and Debra.

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University Settlement’s ROAR Press Conference and Resource Fair (May 2022)

Melissa Aase CEO of University Settlement, Jo-Ann Yoo ED of Asian American Federation, MBP Mark Levien, CM Chris Marte, Manhattan Parks Commissioner Bill Castro and Mae Lee ED of the Chinese Progressive Association, Li-En Chong, Co-Founder of The Yellow Whistle, – and many other guest speakers!Good to see Veronica Wong, U.S. Advocacy Director and Keena Suh SRPCC partner and Pratt Institute Associate Professor.

Listen on Youtube


Resource Fair – in “The Pit” at Broome! University Settlement, Community Board 3, Asian Americans for Equality, Senator Kavanagh, Stanton CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), Chinese Progressive Association, NY Immigration Coalition, NYC Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, and…Music!

Read MoreUniversity Settlement’s ROAR Press Conference and Resource Fair (May 2022)
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Hester to Canal Gardens in Sara Roosevelt Park

Pam Ito and The Hort working with the local Emma Lazarus High School and the NYC Parks Department continue to beautify and maintain this heavily used section of Sara Roosevelt Park.


And the mosaics from the Sara Roosevelt Park Community Coalition’s efforts led by (former SRPCC President) Annie Fredericks of the Hester Street Collaborative

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The Gardens in Front of the BRC (North of Delancey Street)

Elizabeth Hubbard Memorial Garden. Former AudubonNY Bird Demonstration Garden. The Rivington House Memorial Garden. And the Homeless Memorial Garden.

Thank you to Rob Watson the key volunteer gardener (and Black Belt – and ‘Father of LEEDS’)! And to all his many volunteers over the years. And to Pam Ito of The Hort and to AudubonNY and to the men who are unhoused and housed volunteers who helped build and maintain these gardens.

Read MoreThe Gardens in Front of the BRC (North of Delancey Street)
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Clean Up Sara Roosevelt Park With Sokie Lee and the NYC Dept of Sanitation’s Jason Chen

Meet the Organizers: Sokie Lee (NYC Clean Volunteers – Let’s Clean New York) and Jason Chen (NYC Dept. of Sanitation, and UA3 (Community First).

Thanks to the Girl Scouts, M’Finda Kalunga Garden & Sara Roosevelt Park Community Coalition, Youth Explorers and 5th Precinct’s PO Randy Chan and many many other volunteers!!



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Hua Mei Birders Are Back!

Good to see them back!!
Thank you to Tommy Chen for keeping track of the Sanctuary and its Birders for decades!

Parks please remove fencing that prevents the former many exists (would trap the birders in case of emergency with only one exit)!

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