Former President of the Sara Roosevelt Park Community Coalition in Kauai
Our former President (of the Sara Roosevelt Community Coalition) Anne Fredericks moved to Kauai a while back. Here is how she is keeping busy (among other things).
She now heads this local environmental organization. Its Mission sounds familiar!
More and more environmental organizations understand that we are all engaged in a complex and indivisible struggle for food, democracy, stewardship and economic justice.
HAPA’s mission is to catalyze community empowerment and systemic change towards valuing ‘aina (environment) and people ahead of corporate profit.
HAPA advances the work of progressive movements across the islands by sharing resources, creating effective and consistent communication and advocacy, organizing, educating and framing local efforts so we can see their global connections, their root causes, and our linked struggles.
Under HAPA’s 2015 Strategic Plan, the focus of HAPA’s work over the next one to three years is on the following four campaigns to support, promote, and foster local initiatives which advocate:
Fair and Sustainable Food Systems
Forwarding Hawaii’s transition from GMO+Pesticide “Ground Zero” to a more sustainable, fair and secure food system.
Reclaiming Democracy
Interrupting corporate influence on our government, restoring transparency and citizen-driven democracy.
Community Based Resource Stewardship
Supporting customary land-based Aha Moku organizing, and the protection and restoration of sacred sites and traditional food systems.
Economic Justice
Addressing the structural ways that economic inequality is perpetuated, towards a more level playing field for all.
Best of luck Anne!