NYTimes: GreenThumb Gardens Grew in NYC

Two GreenThumb Gardens have existed in Sara Roosevelt Park. Both were begun in the early 1980’s when this area was full of burned out buildings, drug dealers and pimps lining Forsyth Street. Garden creation was key in building and anchoring communities and pushing back threats or harm to neighbors. The people did it while creating beautiful oases of flowers, birds, trees, fish, frogs, turtles, chickens and community.

We are currently reminding GreenThumb of one of those early contributors to the safety and beauty of this neighborhood officially established in 1994 as  The Forsyth Garden Conservancy now the New Forsyth Garden Conservancy as well as the Hua Mei Bird Sanctuary Bird Owners. Garden’s Rising website.


From NYTimes:


“Food From Around the World, Homegrown in New York”

“Sometimes when you arrive in a new place, you don’t have a network you can tap into for support,” Mr. LoSasso said. “By joining a community garden, you’re joining a network of neighbors who are coming from diverse backgrounds who can help new members of their community to get settled.”

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