Parks Department applied new sports coating to “The Pit” in preparation for sharing our Park with the East River youth groups who will need other venues if the new plan proceeds. It’s an all-on effort for the Lower East Side. The Parks team has been moving quickly – and will, going forward, be reaching out to the neighborhood and other park users.
We have communicated to the Parks Department that there will be even more pressure to get the Broome Street bathrooms up and running (with security and open 24/7 if we want to stop the park from being used as a latrine).
We also need to get brighter lighting in the area, ensure the Hua Mei Bird Sanctuary is protected from flying balls, and outreach to the Bike Polo folks, neighborhood youth, local schools Emma Lazarus, MS 131, Pace HS, residents, etc.
Time for that youth kiosk we were talking about with Ceci Cela? Especially to welcome girls who are statistically absent from much Park use? Volleyball net we’ve been asking for that the girls wanted?
We (the Coalition and Parks and Citizens for NYC and Bloomingdales staff volunteers will be out in force on June 28th to take on the New Forsyth Conservancy garden beds that have been tended the past few years by Tenement Museum staffers.
Stay tuned.