With thanks to Jamie Rogers for his effective efforts to organize the community to move forward in this critical time.
From the East River Alliance:
We are the East River Alliance Hello Everyone, The results of the Google poll and feedback from last week’s meeting were definitive – the majority chose the East River Alliance as the name of our community group dedicated to articulating our questions, concerns and demands around the ESCR project. As the name implies, we have a big job to do. Now let’s get down to business. Here is a schedule of our upcoming committee meetings: Wednesday, January 16, 6:30 pm (TODAY) Outreach and Communications Committee Educational Alliance – 29 Avenue D (3&4), Room 101 Thursday, January 17, 6:30 pm Park Assets and Stewardship Committee Educational Alliance – 29 Avenue D (3&4), Room 101 Tuesday, January 22, 6:30 pm Construction Mitigation and Meeting Community Needs Committee Educational Alliance – 29 Avenue D (3&4), Room 101 City Council hearing on the ESCR project will be: Wednesday, January 23rd at 1:00PM at City Hall. We will work on preparing testimony for the group and can help anyone who wishes to prepare personal testimony. Also, here are some important resources to get up to speed: NYC Department of Design & Construction’s January 10, 2018, presentation to the Parks Committee of Community Board 3 Rebuild by Design East River Park Stewardship Study Primer on the Uniform Land Use Review Procedure We will be sending out more information soon from each committee and to schedule our next group meeting. Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to keeping the ESCR a community-driven project and working to create a resilient park we can be proud of. Yours, Jamie |