From NY4 Parks and PlayFair Coalition

As we approach the Play Fair Rally & Preliminary Budget Hearing on Thursday, March 20, we want to ensure that everyone feels prepared to deliver strong and impactful testimony. To support you, we are offering Testimony Office Hours where you can receive guidance on crafting your remarks, ask questions, and refine your messaging.

? Sign up for a slot here:

Need help preparing your testimony?
View our testimony talking points and testimony script.

Whether you’re testifying for the first time or looking to sharpen your points, we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity.

Thursday, March 20 – Play Fair Rally & Preliminary Budget Hearing
Rally: 12 PM on City Hall Steps
Budget Hearing: 1 PM in City Hall Committee Room
RSVP for the Rally:
Register to Virtually Testify at the Hearing: Sign Up Here

Note that if you are testifying in person after the rally, you don’t need to pre-register. Your voice is critical in this fight, and we look forward to standing together to make an impact. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

March 20!

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