The East River Alliance is meeting on Wednesday, April 10, 6:30 p.m at the Educational Alliance, 25-29 Avenue D, bet. 3rd & 4th street. Join us to learn more about the recently released #ESCR Environmental Impact Statement.
Talking Points from the just released Environmental Impact Study on East Side Coastal Resiliency Project
An inventory of on- and off-street parking within a ¼-mile radius of the project area showed approximately 70 on-street parking spaces available near Project Area One (Montgomery St to 13th St)and 30 on-street parking spaces available near Project Area (13th St to 25th St.) Two. The off-street survey showed approximately 60 spaces available near Project Area One and 800 spaces available near Project Area Two. Construction under the Preferred Alternative is anticipated to generate a maximum parking demand of 92 spaces for Project Area One and 52 spaces for Project Area Two. The Project Area Two demand would be fully accommodated by the large inventory of available on- and off-street parking spaces near the project area. The Project Area One demand would not be fully accommodated within ¼-mile and could result in a parking shortfall of up to approximately 35 spaces. It is expected that excess parking demand within Project Area One would need to be accommodated by on-street parking or off-street parking beyond a ¼-mile walk from the project area. Alternatively, motorists could choose other modes of transportation. As stated in the CEQR Technical Manual, a parking shortfall resulting from a project located in Manhattan does not constitute a significant adverse parking impact, due to the magnitude of available alternative modes of transportation. Therefore, construction of the preferred Alternative would not result in any significant adverse parking effects.
Construction of the Preferred Alternative would generate 144 transit trips (total of Project Area One and Project Area Two) during the peak hour of the peak construction period, below the CEQR Technical Manual analysis threshold of 200 transit trips. Therefore, construction of this alternative would not result in any significant adverse transit effects.