Cuomo signed bill overturning local NYC bill -Victory for Plastic Bag Corporations!

From: State of Politics

“In a 929-word statement issued Tuesday afternoon…

“Cuomo added he was sympathetic to the support from environmental groups who want to cut down on plastic bag waste, but also the argument the fee amounts to a regressive tax…” [no one on assistance would have to pay] [no mention of windfall to oil and plastics industries]

In place of the city-based surcharge, Cuomo is forming a “task force” to take review how to reduce waste.

Local governments and stakeholders will also be included. 

Local stakeholders & governments DID weigh in on the issue. That’s the bill WE passed.

.By the end of this year, this Task Force will conclude with a report and proposed legislation.

.I look forward to New York State leading the way on this issue.”

Too late! NY State is already lagging behind. Rwanda already has one.

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