SCIENTIST AT WORK – Dr. Felton Earls; On Crime As Science (A Neighbor At a Time)


”What we are discovering around collective efficacy was not terribly obvious before we started to measure it with some precision.”

Getty images:

“…the study planned and conducted by Dr. Earls and colleagues to unravel the social, familial, educational and personal threads that weave together into lives of crime and violence.”

“Dr. Earls and his colleagues argue that the most important influence on a neighborhood’s crime rate is neighbors’ willingness to act, when needed, for one another’s benefit, and particularly for the benefit of one another’s children. And they present compelling evidence to back up their argument.”

“His study, based in Chicago, has challenged an immensely popular competing theory about the roots of crime. ”Broken windows,” as it is known, holds that physical and social disorder in a neighborhood lead to increased crime, that if one broken window or aggressive squeegee man is allowed to remain in a neighborhood, bigger acts of disorderly behavior will follow.”

The American Journal of Sociology, Dr. Earls reported that most major crimes were linked not to ”broken windows” but to two other neighborhood variables: concentrated poverty and what he calls, with an unfortunate instinct for the dry and off-putting language of social science, collective efficacy.”

“Will a group of local teenagers hanging out on the corner be allowed to intimidate passers-by, or will they be dispersed and their parents called? Will a vacant lot become a breeding ground for rats and drug dealers, or will it be transformed into a community garden?”

“Such decisions, Dr. Earls has shown, exert a power over a neighborhood’s crime rate strong enough to overcome the far better known influences of race, income, family and individual temperament.

”If you got a crew to clean up the mess,” Dr. Earls said, ”it would last for two weeks and go back to where it was. The point of intervention is not to clean up the neighborhood, but to work on its collective efficacy. If you organized a community meeting in a local church or school, it’s a chance for people to meet and solve problems.”

”If one of the ideas that comes out of the meeting is for them to clean up the graffiti in the neighborhood, the benefit will be much longer lasting, and will probably impact the development of kids in that area. But it would be based on this community action — not on a work crew coming in from the outside.”

“As for policy implications, Dr. Earls said that rather than focusing on arresting squeegee men and graffiti scrawlers, local governments should support the development of cooperative efforts in low-income neighborhoods by encouraging neighbors to meet and work together. Indeed, cities that sow community gardens, he said, may reap a harvest of not only kale and tomatoes, but safer neighborhoods and healthier children.”

And…we knew this…

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Build – A – Block Meeting with 5th Precinct

Nov 16 – 5th Precinct’s Build a Block Meeting Sector B*

Led by Neighborhood Coordination Officer (NCO) Dhundup and Smith (NCO Mia was at a training) gave detailed reports. All the Officers including Connor and Lee, whose hours are 5:30pm-2:30am [approximately], answered many questions from the neighborhood. Contact info below.

Thank you to all the officers for their work in this community.

Thanks to Senator Kavanagh‘s liaison, Pat Olan, for taking notes and asking questions some of these notes are a combination of what we could gather.

*The notes below are NOT confirmed so please reach out to the officers to ensure accuracy.

Police Report:

-A Task Force is patrolling in unmarked vehicles,

-K2 /heroin dealing in the park.

-There is now a Patrol from 5:30pm-2:30am [approximately]. Officers were hearing lots of criminal activity during that time. Using “Pattern staffing”

-Some DOT issues

-Smoke Shops are areas of drug activity: 99 Allen, 42 Rivington, 61 Delancey issues (one other didn’t get name).

-The police have thin staffing, now deployed to transit too.

– Sector B has a new Sgt.


Crime is down but this is what has been happening:

-30-40 summons written multiple drug sales – crack in front of BRC.

-Assaults, homeless sleeping in park, drug dealers in front of BRC – (dealers have moved from south Delancey area).

-One sexual assault reported [?].

-14 total narcotics arrests. Allegedly the DA let them out next day.

-Burglary 10 Chrystie side: 3 arrests

-Rivington/Broome/Allen: A lot of drug dealing.

-36 Grand Larceny arrests: Grand Larceny -anything more than $1000 is grand larceny.

-Phone snatches, 2 or 3: which is an immediate Grand Larceny charge.

(If anything is taken from someone’s body, it is automatically Grand Larceny: headphones etc)

-Vehicle break-ins Rivington 2 perps arrested

Freeman’s Alley?


Police Requests

Signage with Parks rules and regulations posted North and South of Delancey and north of Grand (the former signs are gone).

Cameras in the Grand Street subway station: funding for CCTV Cameras? Coalition has directly asked MTA to install.


Complaints at the Meeting:

 -167 Bowery at Broome/Delancey, abetted by the scaffolding, an increase in drug dealing and a homeless encampment. Doesn’t appear to be stoppable. Some resident would like the WiFi Link kiosk removed. Officers stated that the Public Safety Team will be informed

-Residents would like Rivington (all) playground signs with clarity: “no adults without children (and no dogs!)” The signage has been requested and is on order by Jamil Philips Project Manager who said it arrives soon.

-174 Forsyth: MTA’s workers are allegedly parking in a “No Parking” zone. – PO said to let the officers know asap and they will ticket.

Requests for signage or to repaint the curb go to DOT and/or contact MTA construction company/elected officials.

Rivington Park pathway has become a racetrack for motor bikes & cars.

Speed bumps? Bollards? Closing the streetway, putting blocking planters to direct and/or slow vehicle traffic, painted lines for bikes/signs that say “SLO Children Crossing”?

Parks Department issue: It’s inside the park on Rivington ‘streetway’. The playground is across from the M’Finda Garden – children go back and forth across the Rivington ‘streetway’.

-(Many) noise complaints about Ray’s Bar on Rivington for this venue. Constant complaints. Blocked sidewalk passage for people who are disabled. Illegal trash dumping – allegedly putting trash in front of other buildings or in the city trash collection (should have their own pick-up?) Call 311, get the complaint number and report it to CB3 District Office. Or send to Pat Olan and she will send to Dept of Sanitation.



-MTA construction Forsyth at Rivington: 2 more years/ arbitrary street closures

-School Construction scaffolding at Forsyth/ Stanton

-Mount Sinai – construction termination – early 2023

Wellington Chan/ChinatownBID non-profit asked for the hot spots in Sara Roosevelt Park They donate CCTV cameras for different storefronts.

Lighting needed throughout the park DOWNWARD facing so they don’t affect birds/wildlife and keeps it focused on the pedestrian areas. Particularly in front of BRC, 30 Delancey and Broome Street/Delancey/Grand area.

Parks Manager and Forestry has worked on pruning for visibility.

Again, these notes are NOT confirmed so please reach out to the officers to ensure accuracy.


5th Pct Neighborhood Coordination Officer (NCO) Sector B

PO Dhundup NCO  Cell: 917-742-2409 Email:

PO Mia NCO  Cell: 917-515-6308  Email:

LT Mckeefrey Special Operation Lieutenant Email:

SGT Mottola NCO Sergeant Email:

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FABnyc Call for Artist Proposals To Honor the former Chrystie Street African Burial Ground and Advance Public Understanding of the History and Presence of Black Communities in the Lower East Side

From FABnyc:

APPLICATION FORM & additional information
Deadline for submission:  Saturday, January 21, 2023 (midnight)

NYC’s Lower East Side has always been shaped by the history and presence of Black communities.  Yet for most New Yorkers, these histories are hidden or unacknowledged.

The creation of the Chrystie Street African Burial Ground by the African Society after the Chambers Street burial ground was closed, the early legacies of ‘half freedom’ and Black land ownership, the African Free Schools of the 18th century, the mixed-race dance halls on the Bowery, and the impact of the Draft Riots are central narratives for building a true understanding of the Lower East Side and New York City.  These stories require new and creative methods for being shared with the general public.

As part of this effort, FABnyc is issuing an open call to artists to create an art installation at M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden to memorialize the Chrystie Street African Burial Ground.

The proposed project should honor the former Chrystie Street African Burial Ground and advance public understanding of the history and presence of Black communities in the Lower East Side.
Here is more information from the historian and archivist Emilyn Brown without whom none of this history would be well known.
“Archivist Emilyn Brown works in an annex of the Library to process the personal and professional papers and mementos of Dorothy I. Height, a major architect of the 1963 March on Washington, close confidant of Martin Luther King Jr., and world-renowned civil rights and women’s rights activist.”


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It’s My Park Day!! Halloween! Stanton Building Activation!

A beautiful weekend Sunday, Halloween, bulb and tree stump removal and new tree planting, live gorgeous music by the Eric Paulin Quartet and the Judette Elliston Trio (thank you FABnyc), plans to move forward with activating the Stanton Parkhouse, Free Store Face-painting, Labyrinth-making, Halloween art-making, Stanton CSA info, neighbors and local non-profits meeting and working together to make the day go well.


A warm and gracious welcome from our local neighborhood-raised Park advocate Council Member Chris Marte (or was that Julius Cesar?) and our local community to our vibrant, well-informed, new Manhattan Borough Park Commissioner Anthony Perez!

With words of encouragement, promise and excitement for a new phase of community partnership!

Favorite comment of the day: “This is so much fun”

Thank you to our Task Force members FABnyc and the Eric Paulin Quartet and the Judette Elliston Trio, University Settlement and their artist and crafts -maker, Sara Roosevelt Park Coalition, GreenMap, and Pratt. And the countless volunteer efforts of this community like  Stanton CSA, Myles’ FreeStore face painting arts, Diane Carulli’s Labyrinth, Urban Park Ranger (off-duty volunteer), Steve Elson, Allen/Pike Volunteer Gardener Justen Ladda, M’Finda Kalunga Garden, Neighbors to Save Rivington House’ long-time activists Lisa Kaplan and Harriet Cohen, and Buro Happold, and Marvel our pro-bono architects and engineers vis a vis FABnyc!

We could have this here.

Take a look at what we got to do:

The day starts with NYCParks Staff dropping off supplies from Partnerships for Parks set up with our partners and volunteers.

The planting of a new tree in the Tree Pit here!

By the determination and energy of Keena Suh (Pratt Design School Professor) the steady hard labor and effort of Jake (volunteer-for-the-day) who broke through the cement-like tree pit surface (with the help of composer/musician Steve Elson), and the expertise and commitment of Daniel Tainow (off-duty Park Ranger volunteer) and help from our newest “volunteer” Park Commissioner Perez.

Check out that old busted tree stump!


and the ‘back’-story:


Long, long, long time Park advocates Bob Humber and Jim Pender

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