It’s My Park Day

Join the Sara Roosevelt Park Community Coalition and the M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden for
It’s My Park Day this Saturday from 12pm – 4pm. Meet at the Garden gate at Rivington Street (in the park)


Here is the list of things to do that we came up for IMPD:

IMPD 2014  Saturday 12pm -4pm on October 18th Jin Xiu, Bob, K

Activities and locations:

Rivington to Stanton:

Water and mulch newly planted trees

Aerate tree pit soil with a garden fork.


Paint chairs in garden

Paint tables on west side of garden

Weed along west side of garden

Prune in garden

Sweep, rake and clean up garden

Hua Mei Bird Sanctuary (south of Delancey):

mulching, pruning, removing weeds and trash, planting bulbs.

Thanks all.





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Harlem’s Flower and Chess Man forced to move

From the NYTimes:

Harlem’s Flower and Chess Man, Forced into an Unwanted Move

“Mr. Gibbs and his portable garden were such a presence that he was known as the Flower Man and residents still call the patch of concrete where he operated Sonny’s Corner. It was a bright spot in front of the Lincoln Houses, a public housing community where residents complain of mold in their apartments and the stench of urine in hallways.

But this spring, New York City told Mr. Gibbs that he had to pack up his roses, daisies and biggest sellers, his potted plants. As it turns out, for more than a decade, he had no legal right to be there. Mr. Gibbs — who is long on adages but short on paperwork, like a permit — got by for years with little trouble beyond the occasional summons. But the parks department began strictly enforcing a law prohibiting a business from operating on parkland without formal approval.”


We’ve removed entire parks so that stadiums filled with corporate boxes can be built in their place -all while giving huge tax breaks to wealthy owners. All ‘legal’. And please don’t speak of ‘lost revenue’ – it insults our intelligence.

Nike has entire offices filled with people who will file their permits and ensure their entree into our parks. Sonny Gibbs, being poor and Black may not have been afforded that  kind of wherewithal in this current society- but he does a hell of a lot more good with the wherewithal he has.

This man is bringing a bit of human goodness to that park. He is part of the resilient efforts we need more of in this city. Hands off.

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Black Farmers and Urban Growers

The Black Farmers and Urban Growers Conference! 

October 17th – 19th 2014 – Detroit


The Black Farmers and Urban Gardeners Conference is a gathering to enhance the critical relationship between food and health in the Black community by empowering growers, chefs, eaters and activists.

The 2014 conference will be held October 17th – 19th at Western International High School in Detroit, Michigan.
1500 Scotten, Detroit, MI 48209

Available Tickets Price Qty*
Early Registration  $40.00 (USD)  / ticket
General Registration  $45.00 (USD)  / ticket
Goes On Sale
Sep 30, 2014
Young Adult Registration  $30.00 (USD)  / ticket
Growing Green Children’s Conference Registrationshow details + $25.00 (USD)  / ticket
Additional Growing Green Children’s Conference Registrationshow details + $20.00 (USD)  / ticket
  • October 17, 2014 – October 19, 2014
    7:00 am – 10:00 pm
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Saturday’s Climate March Workshops @ M’Finda Kalunga Garden

It was a great day hosting other Climate Activists. Thank you everyone.

10:45-12:15pm People’s Movement Assemblies and the U.S. Social Forum

– Angela Vogel, Walda Katz-Fishman, Alfredo Lopez, Rob Robinson. The US Social Forum (USSF) is a movement building process. A space to come up with the peoples’ solutions to the economic and ecological crisis.

12:30-2pm    Climate Justice in the Workplace

“Balkan marching tunes, Brazilian sambas and klezmer dirges…“The Internationale,” “The Smash-a-Bank Polka,” and “Which Side Are You On?” A political project that supports groups working for social justice – such as: Make the Road by Walking and Picture the Homeless. – Mathew Plummer, 99 Pickets

4pm HUB: White Anti-Racist (Climate) Activists

Race is always used to divide social movements. A racially-segregated movement will not win. This Hub is a space for us white anti-racist activists to network, share our lessons and support one another in doing this work.

4pm HUB: Great March for Climate Action

People walking across the country, from Los Angeles to Washington D.C., to raise awareness and inspire action on the climate crisis.

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CLIMATE CHANGE WORKSHOPS: M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden TODAY!

Climate Change March -Workshops Here!

M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden (gate at Rivington between Chrystie and Forsyth Streets in the Sara Roosevelt Park)

Today Saturday Sept. 20

All welcome!

10:45-12:15pm People’s Movement Assemblies and the U.S. Social Forum

– Angela Vogel, Walda Katz-Fishman, Alfredo Lopez, Rob Robinson. The US Social Forum (USSF) is a movement building process. It is a space to come up with the peoples’ solutions to the ?economic and ecological crisis.

12:30-2pm    Climate Justice in the Workplace

“Balkan marching tunes, Brazilian sambas and klezmer dirges…“The Internationale,” “The Smash-a-Bank Polka,” and “Which Side Are You On?” A political project that supports groups working for social justice – such as: Make the Road by Walking and Picture the Homeless. – Mathew Plummer, 99 Pickets

4pm HUB: White Anti-Racist (Climate) Activists

Race is always used to divide social movements. A racially-segregated movement will not win. This Hub is a space for us white anti-racist activists to network, share our lessons and support one another in doing this work.

4pm HUB: Great March for Climate Action

People walking across the country, from Los Angeles to Washington D.C., to raise awareness and inspire action on the climate crisis.

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Update on Climate March this Sunday!

Dear PCM Partners-

We are fully in the home stretch now, but we still need your help to make Sunday as amazing an experience for everyone involved as we all know it can be. To that end, we’re writing today with two requests that we know will help make the People’s Climate March go off with as few hitches as possible.

First, we’re asking you to bring some flexibility and patience along with your smiles, enthusiasm, signs and chants on Sunday. Simple enough, right?

The good news is that we are now confident we’ll have a huge crowd at the march. It’s going to be an amazing scene full of solidarity, fellowship, activism, and determination. But with a crowd of the size we’re expecting, it may also seem a bit chaotic at times. That’s OK.

Despite all our efforts, things may change on the day of the march in ways we can’t quite predict. Your contingent may not march exactly where we thought it would, and not everyone is going to get to march with the people they thought they would. But as long as everyone is safe and marching together for climate justice, we’re confident we’ll all have a great time and make an impact.

Afterall, what’s the worst that can happen? You get to meet some new friends, march with a group you may not have otherwise gotten to know…and you still get to make history with us.

So our request of you is to be, calm, patient and flexible on Sunday. Things may go exactly as planned, or more likely they’ll change up a bit. Either way, we’ll make history together. These are good problems to have.

Second, we need more volunteers! That means you and all your friends!

Click here to sign up for a volunteer training to get plugged in.

There’s been an amazing amount of work and effort put into making this a historic event, but we won’t be able to make this work without volunteers to help it run smoothly (if slightly chaotically). If you’ve been wondering how you can help make this march a success – this is it.

You don’t have to have any experience volunteering at an event like this – we’ll give you all the information you need to make sure you’re an important part of the team on the day of the march.

To make sure you have all the information you need, we’re holding volunteer trainings Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evenings. You’ll hear about the plan for the day, the roles that are needed, and meet the other people volunteering to help make the People’s Climate March a success.

Click here to sign up for a training.

The trainings are:

  • Wednesday, September 17th – 6:00-8:30pm
  • Thursday, September 18th – 6:00-8:30pm
  • Friday, September 19th – 6:00-8:30pm

All trainings will be held on the 3rd Floor, room D, at TWU Local 100, 195 Montague St, Brooklyn, NY 11201

We’ll be in touch soon with more details, undoubtedly. In the meantime, thanks for your support, your energy, and your flexibility!

4 more days!


PS — One more thing — TODAY is our last big online recruitment push. If you’re able to email your supporters today, it’s not too late! Here’s all the info you need to take part:

Copyright © 2014 People’s Climate, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:

People’s Climate

315 Madison Ave

12th Floor

New York, NY 10017


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Climate Change events in the M’Finda Garden on Saturday September 20th!!!

Climate Change Workshops:

K will host LUNGS ( LES United Neighborhood Gardens) workshops on the patio on Saturday September 20 as follows:

10:45-12:15pm People’s Movement Assemblies and the U.S. Social Forum as Tools for Transformation   – Angela Vogel, Walda Katz-Fishman, Alfredo Lopez, Rob Robinson| US Social Forum

12:30-2pm Climate Justice in the Workplace – Mathew Plummer, 99 Pickets

 4pm HUBs

HUB: White Anti-Racist (Climate) Activists

The current climate movement is racially-segregated. Most large climate and environmental organizations are primarily white and get most of the funding. The environmental justice movement is primarily people of color and gets little funding. However,the effects of climate change will primarily fall on communities of color. All of this is morally unacceptable and politically ineffective. Race is always used to divide social movements. A racially-segregated movement simply will not win. Besides, the people most effected by a problem should have the largest voice in solving it. To succeed, many of us believe our movement should follow the lead of communities of color. This Hub is a space for us white anti-racist activists to network, share our lessons and support one another in doing this work. Please help us demonstrate and enlarge the community of white anti-racist activists to eliminating racism in the climate/sustainability movement.

HUB: Great March for Climate Action: a community of people walking across the country, from Los Angeles to Washington D.C., to raise awareness and inspire action on the climate crisis. As we walk across the nation we collaborate with frontline communities, activist organizations, and individuals from all walks of life to address local environmental and climate concerns. Every day on the march we learn lessons from the earth and from the people we meet, many of whom are directly impacted by climate change and have already begun implementing solutions. Our hope is to amplify their voices to evoke systematic change.

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People’s Climate March

Hi all,

From the M’Finda Kalunga Garden!


M’Finda Kalunga Garden has posted a new item, ‘People’s Climate March

Please join us for the People’s Climate March this Sunday, September 21. Gardeners and interested folks will assemble in the garden at 9:30am to have coffee and make posters. Then we’ll go as a group to the assembly point for the march.

Feel free to print flyers and posters that you can find on the website and post them in your building and and around your neighborhood.

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