New Yorkers for Parks Preview of Sara Roosevelt Park ‘Report Card’ (One week ago)
Last Monday July 11, in the M’Finda Garden and BRC, neighbors and Park goers came to hear from NY4Parks how their reporting system works and how our park was graded.
New Yorkers for Parks met with a few members of the Coalition that afternoon to discuss the condition of and get our input on Sara Roosevelt Park.
Emily Walker, Beth Bingham, Lucy Robson, and Dora Armenta met with us to talk through our ‘report card’ and explain their process.
While we heard the news that we were rated as second from the bottom of parks of our size – we were heartened by the fact that we can use this to help to change that.
They in no way disparaged the efforts of Parks staff and crew and the efforts of the many stewards who make the Gardens here flourish and the organizations and arts institutions that program here.
Without a budget line, Parks Department has little to fund projects and upkeep with.
We heard about possible better design for water fountains (to prevent mold etc.), two of our playgrounds were found to be in need of major renovation (play equipment is old and safety surfacing coming up), the renovated soccer field was not counted because it was underway when the report was created, etc.
We spoke of the need for garbage cans, bathrooms, removal of parked cars and trucks, the need for free technology centers and Wi-Fi, and resiliency centers with charging stations and green roofs and how parks might become models of sustainability….and much more.
Thanks to all who came and took time out of your busy lives to give your specific input.
Did I mention the resounding request for Big Belly Garbage Cans!!!??
And BATHROOMS!?? Open 24/7 and staffed with security???
We will post when we learn the report is published so you can see the details and learn more details of their process.