Town Hall with Council Member Margaret Chin and Mayor de Blasio on SDR Park’s Stanton Building’s Return

See video Here. Begins at 2:09.19

Debra Jeffreys-Glass VP of SDR Coalition and Co-Chair of the M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden asked Mayor de Blasio for the Stanton Park Building’s return to community use.

Mayor de Blasio: What is your ideal outcome?

VP SDR Coalition Debra Jeffreys-Glass: “…a resiliency center, homeless resource center, a place for a community organization to provide programming for students, for the homeless, as a community center, it used to be a community center.”

Mayor de Blasio: “Non-committal, in the interest of not being misunderstood, but interested, it’s a first date [laughter] it stands to reason what you are saying that if we could free it up there’s something very good about that. I think Parks is legitimately struggling to find an alternative location in a city in a borough that are getting more and more crowded all the time. This is the challenge were facing everyday in everything we do. At a certain point we are just running out of space. And obviously we need the parks department to provide all the services it does for that park and for other parks. But I still get your point and I’m still sympathetic so I want to hear how we’re doing at looking, if there is any alternative space and what you think about what could be done in terms of addressing homelessness through such a facility or otherwise.”

Manhattan Park’s Commissioner Bill Castro: Yes thank you Mr. Mayor, we are looking to try to find a better space for the storehouse operation which distributes the supplies on a 7 day-a-week basis for our park workers who are out there keeping the parks clean. We’re very serious about it, it’s not easy as the mayor said but wer’re very sincerely looking for this we work with the community we meet with them every month or two for years now about Sara D Roosevelt so we’re going to continue this in a very good faith effort and if we can we will definitely do it. I’d like to get out of there so we have a better space.

Commissioner of Social Services Steve Banks: “On behalf of the Department of Social Services we certainly gotta take a look at this with the parks department I just want to acknowledge and appreciate the leadership of the Council Member and you and others in the community for proposing this kind of resource that would help our clients that don’t have a roof over their heads. We’re trying to bring people in off the streets. We’ve brought in a number of people in this community from the streets and anything we can do to work with the community along the lines of what you are suggesting, we want to work with parks and see what is possible.”



Read MoreTown Hall with Council Member Margaret Chin and Mayor de Blasio on SDR Park’s Stanton Building’s Return
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McKinley Playground

Help Plan How to Improve McKinley Park!

PS 63 The Star Academy, Neighborhood School


121 East 3rd Street between 1st Ave & Ave A

EVGrieve: “Reps for the Parks Department will be collecting input this Thursday evening on improving the McKinley Playground on Fourth Street between Avenue A and First Avenue…”


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A Film on Berta Cáceres Indigenous Environmental Activist

“Worth Dying For?

A powerful film about how the murder of famed activist Berta Caceres has unleashed a wave of activism across Honduras”

From The March on behalf of Berta Cáceres Outside the UN 2016:

Politics of Death: ‘Am I next?’ Honduras land activists

“Honduras is the deadliest place on earth for environmental activism, according to a January report by UK-based watchdog Global Witness, with about 120 activists killed since 2010 but most crimes going unpunished.

The dangers involved hit the spotlight when renowned environmentalist Berta Caceres – a prize-winning grassroots campaigner – was gunned down in her home in March last year….

…Caceres led a decades-long campaign against the construction of the $50 million Agua Zarca hydroelectric dam that threatened to uproot hundreds of Lenca people and destroy livelihoods.

Both the government and Desarrollos Energeticos SA (DESA), the private company building the Agua Zarca dam, have denied any involvement in Caceres’ murder.

International backers of the dam – the FMO, the Dutch development bank, and a Finnish state investment fund, Finnfund – suspended $20 million in funding following Caceres’ murder.”

…According to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR)… there are nearly 840 mining projects, most for gold, in the pipeline or under consideration, covering a third of Honduran territory.

From the Guardian: Leaked court documents raise concerns that the murder of the Honduran environmentalist Berta Cáceres was an extrajudicial killing planned by military intelligence specialists linked to the country’s US–trained special forces, a Guardian investigation can reveal.

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From DNAinfo: 82-Year-Old Man Critically Hit By Truck on Chrystie/Rivington


NYPD: “The elderly man was walking with a walker east on Rivington Street when [a cement] …truck … hit him while [the truck was heading] south on Chrystie at about 12:51 p.m…”

This area has a new configuration since the two-way bike lane was installed on Chrystie Street on the Park side of the street with a ‘rest area’ included for safety of pedestrians.



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Community Board 3 Resolution on Rivington House re Department of Buildings (DOB) Change to the Stop Work Order

CB3 last night passed a resolution joining our electeds in asking the Department of Buildings to create working and timely communications when DOB makes any change to permits to Rivington House. Given the recent history whereby neighbors and CB3 warnings went unheeded and given several open investigations including the Attorney General’s Office it is the least that should be done.

Read MoreCommunity Board 3 Resolution on Rivington House re Department of Buildings (DOB) Change to the Stop Work Order
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SDR Park Coalition Website Added to Columbia University’s Avery Library Historic Preservation and Urban Planning web archive

We are honored to learn that the Columbia University Libraries Web Resources Collection Program has selected our Sara D Roosevelt Park Coalition website  for inclusion in its Avery Library Historic Preservation and Urban Planning web archive “to ensure its continuing availability to researchers”.


“The Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library collects books and periodicals in architecture, historic preservation, art history, painting, sculpture, photography, decorative arts, city planning, real estate, and archaeology–and now makes archival copies of important web resources for preservation and access purposes.”


We’ll be in great company. Check it out here. (will take two to three weeks for our website to be added).

Columbia University Libraries will provide public online access to the archived version(s) of our website to ensure its availability to researchers.

They will also create a cataloging record for of the website in the international online library catalog Worldcat and the Columbia University online library catalog, increasing our visibility to the scholarly community.

We helped build a great park and a great coalition of people to care for it and one another. Unbeatable.


Thank you to Alex Thurman, Web Resources Collection Coordinator Columbia University Libraries!



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City Seizing Parkland On UES To Build Massive Tower Complex – Residents Furious


From “A Walk in the Park” Blog (Geoffrey Croft/NYC Park Advocates):

“Clearly there are a lot of very good public goods being planned for this site – no change in the playground size, three news schools, permanent affordable housing, but that comes at the cost of a building that is 724 feet tall.   You may call it 68 stories but in linear terms that’s 72 tall.  That’s almost as tall as the Time Warner Center,”  –
City Planning Commissioner Anna Hayes Levin, May 10, 2017
“How does that kind of height make sense at this location?”
Marx Brothers Playground site – 96th Street and Second Avenue.  The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is finally moving out of the playground after “temporarily” occupying 0.5 acres of the 1.5  acre park since 2007. … The MTA is legally required to restore the playground.

The New York State legislature voted overwhelmingly to give Marx Brothers Playground to a private developer.

The Senate Voted 61 – 1 to support the $ 1 billion dollar proposed development being pushed by City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito.

New York State Assembly Vote  117 –  25 in favor.

The law creates zoning rights needed to develop the massive project.

The Educational Construction Fund (ECF) came up with a scheme to dramatical increase the size currently allowed. The massive tower would cast shadows as far as Central Park according to project documents.”…

“…This would set a very bad precedent, one that could open the floodgates and, at a minimum allow the development of not only every single one of the approximately 250 Parks Department Jointly Operated Parks properties it shares with the DOE throughout the city,  but ALL parks could be subjected to development if this proposed legislation is passed.
Literally NO Public land would be safe.”
A Walk in the Park is a blog dedicated to Parks and their preservation.
 Marks Brothers Playground
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Town Hall: The Mayor, The Council Member and Rivington House

From the Lo-Down: 

[Mayor] de Blasio …“we will put in facilities for senior affordable housing, additional, into the community and for additional nursing home capacity of 200 beds or more… to compensate for what happened here, because it wasn’t right.”

[Council Member] Chin … addressed the bigger picture. “Mr. Mayor,” she said, “you heard from the community. We’re not giving up on Rivington House. We have to find a way.”


We deeply appreciate every one of these efforts but CM Chin is correct. Our view on a way forward:

Excerpted dialogue between the Mayor and Council Member Chin:

Chin: “You can invite the people who purchased that building to come in and talk with us and see if we can build a model 21st century nursing facility for our senior with special needs.

Because that company is from China I think they want to do the right thing. But if the mayor reaches out to them. they might want to come in and talk to you and I am more than willing to sit down.” 

Mayor: …I have no problem offering them that they could have a better relationship with the community and with the administration if they came in and considered a different outcome.

Chin: So we’ll follow up mayor?

Mayor: Yes of course.”

Neighbors to Save Rivington House “Asks”


1) DOB accountability to the neighborhood via our electeds: CM, MBP and/or Community Board. Commissioner Chandler promised “an investigation as to what they are planning” and inspections so they don’t “exceeded the scope of their permit” . 

We’ve seen this companies idea of “exploratory” before.


2) The meeting with Mayor de BlasioChina Vanke, CM Chin, and delegates of the Neighbors to Save RivingtonHouse. The mayor is clearly capable of pushback when he feels something is wrong. He needs to use that skill here. He HAS the bully pulpit. If he chose to challenge this company? It would be a win/win for everyone. They need goodwill in NYC – not a building that will be in dispute forever in a scruffy park (and I suspect the neighboring garden would get a LOT scruffier).

As China Vanke’s LinkedIn page proudly proclaims:

“Built around principles, China Vanke is featured with putting morals and ethics before profits. The Company believes that its success depends on its commitment to core values, resistance to temptations, and fair return based on its professionalism. The Company strives to be the most favourite company of customers, investors and employees, and the most respected company of society through self-regulation, enhanced transparency and a healthy and focused business development model. Thanks to its excellent corporate governance and high ethics codes, the Company was selected as one of “China’s Most Respected Enterprises” for five consecutive years and received the award of “China’s Best Corporate Citizen” for four consecutive years.”

Read MoreTown Hall: The Mayor, The Council Member and Rivington House
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