NYC Park’s Department City Pools and Bath Houses

Here’s an article about city pools. We used to have at least two wading pools in this park!

 Crowds outside the city’s first municipal bath, on Rivington Street. CreditNew York City Department of Parks and Recreation


Most of the city’s public pools are open until Sunday, Sept. 10.

You can look for a location nearest you here. But before jumping in, here’s a little trivia on our city’s pools:

Before there were pools, we had public baths.

The city opened its first municipal bath in 1901 at 326 Rivington Street — a bathhouse that became so coveted that during a fatal heat wave a few years later, a small riot broke out in the long line there. The site, later renamed the Baruch baths, is no longer in use, though the building remains.

But several of the city’s former bathhouses are still up and running — in the form of swimming pools. [several] …recreation centers “all began life as bathhouses,” said Liam Kavanagh, the first deputy parks commissioner…

In the 1930s and 1940s, under Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia, Robert Moses created a new set of outdoor pools that, with their heating and filtration systems, were considered at the forefront of engineering.

…The city’s free public pools are open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Mini-pools will close on Labor Day.)”

Allen Street Baths photo Curbed

From Curbed NY and The Tenement Museum: Allen Street Bath

“The last man standing of New York’s municipally funded baths, the Allen Street Bath provided its visitors with opportunities for relative cleanliness until 1975. The building’s fate seemed doomed when it was sealed in 1988, but 1992 brought a new lease on life when it was auctioned off to a Chinese congregation, the Church of Grace to Fujianese, which still uses it today.”

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New Liquor License Requested 100 Forsyth Street

Community Board 3 Calendar: (check the calendar for updates from venue and for withdrawals before you head out)
SLA & DCA Licensing Committee
Monday, September 18 at 6:30pm — Public Hotel, 17th Floor, Sophia Room – 215 Chrystie Street (btwn Houston & Stanton Streets)

New Liquor License Applications on the agenda:

# 20.    100 Forsyth Restaurant LLC, 100 Forsyth St (op)

Please Note:  Applicants must submit withdrawals and residents must submit materials and agreements by Friday before meeting at noon.
To contact the CB3 office to submit materials:
Phone: 212-533-5300
  • The SDR Coalition is listed on the CB3 site as an organization to contact in reaching out to the neighborhood. We’ve heard nothing from this owner.
  • In general, unless there is a very real community benefit (beyond that you are serving a special cuisine that is nowhere else in the neighborhood?) but a real benefit (like Dixon Place, a decades old arts space that shows new talent) we tend to oppose licenses especially for venues on the park itself (one of our quality of life goals).
  • We are struggling with homelessness, poverty and lack of real resources in this community – becoming an attraction for drinking? Not so useful here.
  • Beyond just the park, the neighborhood is being inundated with bars. Once a license is installed on a location – it stays forever. Requiring the neighborhood to police it for any infractions forever.
Read MoreNew Liquor License Requested 100 Forsyth Street
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From The Nation: The Solution to Our Housing Crisis Is to Let Communities Own Property

The Nation:

“Community Land Trusts keep the focus of development on the actual needs of a neighborhood”

“New York used to be a place where an average Joe could come to make it in the big city, but these days the average New Yorker struggles just to make rent.

In the face of rampant financial deregulation, austerity-driven social disinvestment, and vast income inequality, working-class New York families are often priced out of both the rental and mortgage markets, while gentrification eclipses blighted blocks with empty luxury towers. But now housing-justice activists want to seed the city with a new kind of urban homesteading: Community Land Trusts (CLT)—a model of collective ownership of housing on community-owned land.

Designed to encourage long-term social stability and foster political self-determination on the urban commons, CLTs develop property through a community-run organization, which is generally run by representatives from the community, sometimes along with the local government, and the private sector, independent of conventional government-based funding streams or commercial financing. The City’s Department of Housing Preservation and Development recently launched a major new grant program, with over $1.6 million in seed funding for community-based organizations, to grow the Big Apple’s newest crop of CLTs….”

Read MoreFrom The Nation: The Solution to Our Housing Crisis Is to Let Communities Own Property
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Agenda for Community Board 3 Parks, Recreation, Cultural Affairs, & Waterfront Committee

Parks, Recreation, Cultural Affairs, & Waterfront Committee

Thursday, September 14 at 6:30pm — BRC Senior Services Center – 30 Delancey Street (btwn Chrystie & Forsyth Sts)


1.    Approval of previous month’s minutes

2.    EDC / Mathews Nielsen Landscape Architects: update on Pier 42 Conceptual Design

3.    NYC Parks – Allen Street Mall Concession: presentation for input regarding, but not limited to the following: Food Options & Misc Services, Public Programming, Community Engagement. Also next steps to share and discuss designs

4.    Increase in homelessness in CB 3 parks

5.    Parks Dept presentation on programming: Ideas, timeline, and application process of movie nights, recreation programing, It’s My Park events, and other general public programming in CB3 parks

6.    Vote to adjourn


Read MoreAgenda for Community Board 3 Parks, Recreation, Cultural Affairs, & Waterfront Committee
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Sustainability. Justice. Environment.

In our continuing quest to care for all living things: flowers, trees, turtles, bees and bugs we include the care of our young people and all humans.

Pope Francis:

There is little in the way of…awareness of problems which… affect the excluded… This is due partly to the fact that many professionals, opinion makers, communications media and centres of power… are far removed from the poor… a true ecological approach always… must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment.


The series quoted and linked to below is a challenge to right grievous wrongs.


by Shaun King

“This series is called “Soul Snatchers” for a reason. When another Bronx teenager, Kalief Browder, was arrested and charged for a crime he did not commit, and then left to rot in jail on Rikers Island for three years without ever being found guilty of a crime, he was routinely beaten and humiliated in the worst possible ways. When the charges were eventually dismissed, and he was simply let out without as much as an apology, his injured body was functioning, but his soul had been ripped out and damaged beyond repair. Kalief’s family surrounded him with love and support. Jay Z and Rosie O’Donnell did the same. The three years in Rikers, though, had damaged Kalief in ways that were mostly invisible to us, but painfully real to him.”

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Rally in support of DACA recipients Today Wednesday, August 30th at 5:00pm

From: Hand in Hand

Calling all allies of Sanctuary Homes:

Today Wednesday, August 30th at 5:00pm

Support DACA* recipients who are under threat. DACA allows an estimated 1 million young undocumented immigrants to work and go to school without threat of deportation. 

Meeting point: Columbus Circle, North side Central Park’s entrance by the statue and benches. 

Email Tatiana: or text/call 917-597-6941.


*DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, is a vital protection for nearly one million DREAMers, young immigrants who were brought to the US as children and are working to make better lives for their families. It provides desperately-needed work authorization and relief from the fear of deportation.

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Why are Greater Shearwaters Arriving Dead and Dying on NYC Shores?

A Mystery of Seabirds, Blown Off Course and Starving

Hundreds of shearwaters arrived dying and dead
on shores around New York City. Scientists
suspect weather patterns altered by climate change.

“The birds are extremely thin and anemic,” Mr. Okoniewski said. “The big mystery is: Why are they thin? On the surface it looks like you know what happened: They starved. But when you ask why, it becomes much more of a mystery.”

The vast expanses of the ocean remain some of the most vital and hard-to-study environments on the planet. As scientists work to comprehend the scope of climate change, they often look to seabirds to tell stories from the world’s most inaccessible waters. Pelagic birds, which refers to seabirds that spend the majority of their lives at sea and rarely venture to the shore, traverse various regions and climates, are affected by extreme weather patterns and feed on prey exposed to carbon emissions — all while staying relatively observable above the water’s surface.
Read MoreWhy are Greater Shearwaters Arriving Dead and Dying on NYC Shores?
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