Thanks to NYers for Parks & Con Ed Volunteers Today in SDR Park

It was COLD! But we persisted from 10am to 1pm. Mulching, weeding, raking, clearing out garbage and leaves, daffodil bulb planting near the benches and in the empty tree pits.

Thanks to Emily and Gabriella who led the NYers for Parks crew with Michelle, Kevin and Caitlin:

And the terrific and hard working Con Edison volunteers organized by Christina.

And M’Finda Kalunga’s Jonathan. And K too!

The Sri Sathya Sai Baba handed out food to the neighborhood as they do every Saturday.

NYers for Parks brought coffee and snacks.

We got a LOT done.

Thank you to Captain Sanchez’ PEP officers: Vazquez, Motrechuk, and Villani!

The mulch guys Joe and Samir could not be stopped!

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Work and Soup in the M’Finda Kalunga Garden Today

The Soup providers were out today in front of the M’Finda Kalunga Garden.

Some of the soup volunteers did a bit of work in the Garden with Jonathan. K planted aliums, Angela raked, Bob supervised!

And Ted created large posters for the campaign to remind the Mayor to keep his promise to hold a meeting with the buyers of Rivington House and Councilmember Chin:

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Stanton Task Force with Thanks to the Students, Faculty, Participants of TEDC and the New School

Green Map, University Settlement and SDR Community Coalition thank Jean Gardner and the Tishman Environment and Design Center (TEDC), The New School, LESReady, 596 Acres, terrific students, all the table leaders and participants!

We are still processing the information and ideas gathered from the public, students,  faculty and other engaged citizens who showed up to help us reclaim this building for the neighborhood.

We’ve had 4 local visionings with more to come to update and gather all perspectives on any outcome for this building – but we are grateful to have those who study weigh in with fresh perspectives. It takes a village.

Photos by Dee Dee Maucher.


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Activism in the SDR Park

Getting Signatures from Neighbors on Rivington House and Stanton Street Building.

We’d like them both back please! Asking the Mayor to fulfill his promise to CouncilWoman Chin to Call a Meeting with the buyers of Rivington House!



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Saturday in SDR Park

Basketball, Hanging Out, Fixing Tree Pits, Planting, Pruning, Weeding, Mulching, Playing in Dirt, Tai Chi, Turtles Indoors for Winter, Fish Pond Readied for Winter.



Ai Weiwei Artwork in the Background:


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Audubon Bird Walk Today

Thank you Richard from Audubon NY and Pam from The Hort for organizing an Audubon Bird Walk in Sara Roosevelt Park today.


We saw:


Sharp-shinned Hawk

Rock Pigeon

Mourning Dove

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

Downy Woodpecker

Hermit Thrush

American Robin

Dark-eyed Junco

White-throated Sparrow

Northern Cardinal

House Sparrow

The Hort provided coffee and donuts and binoculars!



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