Bike info in the Rivington Playground, Parks Department fixes wooden benches, Ohio Women’s organization in Elizabeth Hubbard Garden

Thanks to Transportation Alternatives Ollie and company for handing out bike information in appropriate languages! And for blowing gigantic bubbles!

Thank you Park’s Department staff for fixing wooden benches in the M’Finda Garden.

And thank you to the Ohio Women’s Group that helped out in the Elizabeth Hubbard Memorial Garden and the M’Finda Kalunga Garden this past weekend.

Read MoreBike info in the Rivington Playground, Parks Department fixes wooden benches, Ohio Women’s organization in Elizabeth Hubbard Garden
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Adam Purple memorial tomorrow Saturday September 26th – 4pm to 8pm

From the Lo-Dowon

Join in remembering Adam Purple, legendary environmentalist at La Plaza community garden on Saturday, September 26th from 4pm-8pm. People are invited to speak and briefly share their memories of the famed gardens godfather of the Lower East Side and his legendary eARThWORK, ‘The Garden of Eden.’  Everyone is encouraged to wear purple and to bring a white t-shirt to tie-dye.

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Two Events this Fall!

Voter Registration with Chinese Progressive Association!

  • Did you know that National Voter Registration Day was this past week?
  • Interested in voting in next year’s Presidential elections?
  • The Chinese Progressive Association invites you to learn more and register to vote this Saturday!
  • When: Saturday, September 26, 2015, 1:00pm-4:00pm
  • Where: M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden (inside Sara D. Roosevelt Park)  (Rivington Street (between Forsythe and Chrystie Street)
  • For more information contact the Chinese Progressive Association at 212-274-1891 or

University Settlement Planning for the next 10 years!

Take our online survey 

Tell University Settlement what you want for the next 10 years (anyone who takes the survey has a chance to win prizes from local businesses)

A community conversation event:

Saturday, October 3, from 2-4 p.m.
The Houston Street Center, 273 Bowery (on the corner of Bowery and Houston)
Refreshments will be served

RSVP online or by emailing


Drop by and say hello! fitness, language, and swimming classes –  creative arts classes for older adults and free after-school – something for everyone in the family.

The Houston Street Center is a part of University Settlement, which has been empowering neighborhoods and communities for more than 100 years.

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Adam Purple and The Garden of Eden – RIP Adam Purple

“In 1975, on the crime-ridden Lower East Side, Adam Purple started a garden behind his tenement home. By 1986, The Garden of Eden was world famous and had grown to 15,000 square feet. For Adam – a social activist, philosopher, artist, and revolutionary – the Garden was the medium of his political and artistic expression. It was razed by the city in 1986 after a protracted court battle. This film documents the creation of this artwork and its ultimate destruction.

Winner of the “Neighborhood Award” at the Lower East Side Film Festival”

Read MoreAdam Purple and The Garden of Eden – RIP Adam Purple
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Birding in Sara Roosevelt Park, M’Finda Kalunga Garden: American Redstart


Seen in M’Finda Kalunga: female American Redstart!

American Redstarts are common fall migrants across much of the East, and are often found in big numbers on good migration days.
IMG_4700 (1)

Fall migration starts earlier than most people realize, with many shorebirds on the move by late June, and the first landbirds heading south soon thereafter. August through October are peak months, but migration continues into December for some species, especially shorter-distance landbirds (e.g., sparrows, blackbirds), raptors, waterfowl, and seabirds. Birds are often on the move every day during this entire period, but there are reasons that some days are better than others for observing them. The volume of migration depends on the weather, with many birds waiting until conditions are favorable before initiating migratory flights.

ebird Cornell Bird Lab of Ornitholgy and Audubon.


Read MoreBirding in Sara Roosevelt Park, M’Finda Kalunga Garden: American Redstart
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CB3 Budget Priority Hearing – Wednesday, September 16th at 6:30pm Location: 59 East 4th Street (btwn 2nd Ave & Bowery)

This is what helps a Community Board decide what Park projects get funded.

And our park needs a lot of help (you’ve been letting us know!). Now is your chance to be heard.

Please come to support this park’s budget priorities – add yours!

Capital Projects:

-Stanton Building bathrooms renovated and opened to the public, return site to the neighborhood (bathrooms are nearly funded)

-Reconstruct the playground at Rivington 

-Fix the oval at Hester

-Reconstruct pathways at Broome Street


Funding for: maintenance workers, tree pruners, rat abatement, and GreenThumb (which serves Community Gardens)

When? Wednesday, September 16th at 6:30pm 

Where? 59 East 4th Street (btwn 2nd Ave & Bowery)

CB 3 Public Hearing – FY 2017 Budget Priorities

Every year the Community Board submits a list of capital and expense budget priorities to city agencies. This hearing is your opportunity to have input into these district budget priorities. Tell us how money should be spent in Community Board 3.

Organizations, groups, and individuals representing all segments of the community are encouraged to participate.


Read MoreCB3 Budget Priority Hearing – Wednesday, September 16th at 6:30pm Location: 59 East 4th Street (btwn 2nd Ave & Bowery)
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New Yorkers for a Human-Scaled City

From The Tribeca Trust regarding the effect of tall buildings and their shadows on our public parks.

And Community Board 5 Sunshine Task Force report – on the effects of overbuilding on Central Park.


We urge the City Council to amend (and urge Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer to support amending) local zoning laws as they relate to as-of-right development given the significant environmental impact of tall buildings over 25 stories. The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) should take into consideration density and congestion, the effect of shadows on parks, and the vulnerability of an area to sea rise and storm surges.  Zoning should allow for the following principles:

  1. Limit height
  2. Require an EIS on buildings over 25 stories (no as-of-right)
  3. Consider existing density and congestion on neighborhood streets
  4. Require operable windows
  5. Adhere to the Public Trust and Open Space Doctrine*
  6. Prohibit tall residential buildings in low lying areas subject to sea rise and storm surges
  7. Contain a Sunshine Clause that prohibits shadows in parks caused by new development
  8. Designate landmark-worthy sites and ensure contextual zoning in Historic Districts.


Read MoreNew Yorkers for a Human-Scaled City
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Ribbon Cutting in Sara Roosevelt Park: Council Member Chin, Commissioner Silver, and Senator Daniel Squadron

For more information check out the Lo-Down

Park’s Department staff and workers renovated the soccer field at Grand and Broome – in house! Faster, cheaper and better built! Thank you!!


And thanks to:

Commissioner Silver for his leadership

Council Member Margaret Chin for her steady funding and guidance in support of all our Parks

Senator Daniel Squadron for keeping Park Equity in the forefront of political discourse

To everyone for showing up!


Read MoreRibbon Cutting in Sara Roosevelt Park: Council Member Chin, Commissioner Silver, and Senator Daniel Squadron
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Tenement Museum staffers in GreenThumb Forsyth Garden Conservancy and Thank you to Chyna (intern in M’Finda Kalunga)

Thanks Chyna for the help this summer!

Thanks to the Tenement Museum staffers ‘Garden Club’ tending the Forsyth Garden Conservancy GreenThumb Garden.

And thanks to Terese Flores and Mike Bifulco of Parks for all the help!

Read MoreTenement Museum staffers in GreenThumb Forsyth Garden Conservancy and Thank you to Chyna (intern in M’Finda Kalunga)
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