SDR Park Coalition Website Added to Columbia University’s Avery Library Historic Preservation and Urban Planning web archive

We are honored to learn that the Columbia University Libraries Web Resources Collection Program has selected our Sara D Roosevelt Park Coalition website  for inclusion in its Avery Library Historic Preservation and Urban Planning web archive “to ensure its continuing availability to researchers”.


“The Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library collects books and periodicals in architecture, historic preservation, art history, painting, sculpture, photography, decorative arts, city planning, real estate, and archaeology–and now makes archival copies of important web resources for preservation and access purposes.”


We’ll be in great company. Check it out here. (will take two to three weeks for our website to be added).

Columbia University Libraries will provide public online access to the archived version(s) of our website to ensure its availability to researchers.

They will also create a cataloging record for of the website in the international online library catalog Worldcat and the Columbia University online library catalog, increasing our visibility to the scholarly community.

We helped build a great park and a great coalition of people to care for it and one another. Unbeatable.


Thank you to Alex Thurman, Web Resources Collection Coordinator Columbia University Libraries!



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