Rescheduled: “Its My Park Day” for Saturday, September 8th 2018

Dear Neighbors and Friends –

Tomorrow’s predicted rain showers have convinced us that we need to reschedule ‘It’s Our Park Day” for a time when it can really be the community event we all want to see happen.  After comparing schedules with our partners, it became clear that the best plan was to re-organize for Saturday, September 8th.  

In the meantime, we will continue to support residents in their efforts to address multiple issues in SDR park and, most particularly, advocate for the re-opening of the Stanton building for community programs.  Transforming the boarded up building into an active, engaging space is critical to making the surrounding park space a healthy, supportive and welcoming environment for all.

More to come!

for Sara D Roosevelt Park Coalition, University Settlement, Green May Systems, and Fourth Arts Block (FABnyc).

on the plus side…the flowers could use the rain…

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