Public Toilets


We need them.

Word on the street is that we have 50+ homeless people sleeping in the park.

No bathrooms from Grand Street to Houston Street.

Need open, supervised, monitored, with maintenance nearby.

Human dignity, health issues, sanitation issues.

A short term solution?



From Gothamist:

A Decade After Their Debut, 15 Public Toilets Are Still Sitting In A Warehouse In Queens

“In 2008, New York City unveiled the first of 20 self-cleaning public toilets to great fanfare and bathroom humor. “What a relief!” deputy mayor Dan Doctoroff said in a statement, while DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan initiated the first official flush at the inaugural public toilet in Madison Square Park. But if you’ve never seen or used one of the toilets, which cost 25 cents for 15 minutes of uninterrupted bathroom time, that may be because 15 of them are still sitting in a warehouse in Queens.”

Read more here.



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