Birding in Sara Roosevelt Park, M’Finda Kalunga Garden: American Redstart


Seen in M’Finda Kalunga: female American Redstart!

American Redstarts are common fall migrants across much of the East, and are often found in big numbers on good migration days.
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Fall migration starts earlier than most people realize, with many shorebirds on the move by late June, and the first landbirds heading south soon thereafter. August through October are peak months, but migration continues into December for some species, especially shorter-distance landbirds (e.g., sparrows, blackbirds), raptors, waterfowl, and seabirds. Birds are often on the move every day during this entire period, but there are reasons that some days are better than others for observing them. The volume of migration depends on the weather, with many birds waiting until conditions are favorable before initiating migratory flights.

ebird Cornell Bird Lab of Ornitholgy and Audubon.


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